That's Life

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2 Weeks Later..

The month of November, the run-up to Christmas, my parents were now home from their trip and I'd been spending my days in the Art room or the other Den playing the piano.

In 4 weeks time the guys would all be heading off for their Christmas break, so for now Alexander and I had been trying to spend as much time as we could together whenever my parents popped out to run errands or if they were out in the garden we'd sneak into the den.

I'd told my Mother and Father about Elijah and they spoke with his parents immediately, Mother then told me that Elijah was from now on band from the balls held here and wasn't allowed to step foot near the palace again. Which to my delight, was the fucking highlight of my week when I found that out.

Pulling on my navy day gown over the top of my corset, I ran my fingers through my tousled hair, huffing at the sight of myself in my mirror I leant over to my dressing table and grabbed my hair brush.

"Morning Miss De Vere." Kathryn called while she curtseyed as she caught my eye in the mirror I was stood in front of. She was stood out in the hall as my door was ajar.

"Morning Kathryn." I smiled at her in the reflection before watching her head down the hall.

I ran my brush over my hair smoothening it down, gazing back at myself I then pinned it half up half down and let some thin curls drop down onto my face to make the look more natural.

It was a Gown-type mood recently as because they were so long and thick, they simply kept me warm in this weather.

Heading out of my room I ran my fingertips along the corridor walls, smiling to myself at the little 'Tradition' I had always done and now gotten Alexander into the habit of doing it too.

I jogged down the stairs, jumping down the last step lightly, my dress pinched up above my ankles as I swiftly made my way through the corridors and into the kitchen.

"Morning Matthew." I said as I entered the kitchen, Matthew was stood by the stove cleaning it.

"Morning Arabella, Jamie and Alex are out front sweeping up leaves off the drive." Matthew said as he craned his over his shoulder to glance at me.

"Okay, I'll go and see them In a bit." I said softly as I walked to the sink to grab myself a glass of water.

"How've you been then?" Matthew asked me as he turned around and leant his back up against the counter.

"Yeah not too bad thank you, what about you?" I asked him, moving over to the small round table in the corner of the kitchen I took a seat then turned to face him.

"Yeah yeah I'm good." He nodded as he threw a tea towel over his shoulder.

"Morning." My Father called as he entered the kitchen.

"Morning." Matthew and I replied simultaneously.

"Arabella your Mother and I are heading to a pub downtown for lunch, we would like you to join us if you could?" Father asked as he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

I sighed and pouted a little, thinking about what I would much rather do than go out for a meal.

"Okay..yeah I'll come." I huffed, recently I'd been trying to get onto a good side with my parents because it actually made going about my days easier.

"Great, the carriage will be here at 12:30, so we'll see you out there then." Father said before turning on his heal and leaving the kitchen.

"Ohhh, brunch at a pub how luxurious.." Matthew teased. I gulped down the rest of my water before standing up, he laughed at my unamused expression before I held a fake finger gun to my head and pretended to pull the trigger.

𝐴 𝐶𝐸𝑅𝑇𝐴𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑂𝑀𝐴𝑁𝐶𝐸-𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑥 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt