This is why you should always charge your phones and know who your with or not.

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So there was once this girl that kept getting weird phone calls from a random number , but the mom said to just ignore it and dont answer them. Well one day when the girl was home she got a call from the exact same number so she decided to answer it.

When she answered it there was a man in the call and he said WE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE DONT WORRY BUNNY, the girl was awfully confused and didn't know what to do. And the mom told her to tell her what the person said in the phone. And the girl said HE CALLED ME BUNNY.

The mom said that she had to pack her things fast. She was confused but she still did it anyways. Later then when they were in the car they turned the radio on and the news reporter said THERE WAS A GIRL KIDNAPPED 10 YEARS AGO AND WE KNOW WERE SHE IS SO WE ARE GONNA FIND HER.

The girl got scared and told the woman WHO ARE YOU. 

The woman just said  YOU CAN CALL ME MOM!

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