Running away

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The days were dragging on uncontrollably.

After leaving MacKenzie's apartment that Tuesday night, Will drank himself to sleep every subsequent night to forget her face. He did not know how work was going. He would ask Don to put everything on the prompter and for the last few days he had been reading practically the entire broadcast. 

But Will couldn't find the energy to feel bad about it. His broken heart was insufferable. He couldn't handle anything else but the pain of losing the love of his life.

Even worse, he didn't manage to handle the pain, he just drank it away. The half dozen cigarettes he used to smoke turned into a whole pack per day. Each cigarette a flash flood of questions and unconceivable thoughts hit him. Will couldn't understand. He had been a good boyfriend. NO! AN AMAZING ONE! He had loved her since the day he laid eyes on her. Since the very first moment she said "I don't think that's how you're supposed to tie a Windsor knot" and without even knowing her full name, she put her hands on his neck and redid the whole thing. He always made her laugh. He always did everything for her.

What did I ever did wrong?

When MacKenzie didn't show up for work for the next day or so he was relieved. He wouldn't be able to face her without being mean, sarcastic and awful. He only had anger to give. And that was what the whole team was receiving. Charlie did ask him what was happening, but he didn't find the words to explain better than "MacKenzie lied. We're not together anymore". He didn't ask anything else. He could see the excruciating pain his friend was on. 

Which is why he also gave Mac those days off. No questions asked. 

But it was only Friday he felt the reality coming in close to him, when Charlie phoned him saying that MacKenzie had just went trough the lobby and was making her way up to the 36th floor. 

Will froze all over again. It was still way before broadcast, he wasn't drunk enough to deal with her. Right then, someone came over to his office and started talking some nonsense he just couldn't seem to listen.

He got up from his chair and practically ran out of the bullpen. He took two flights of stairs down before taking the elevator just to make sure he wasn't going to bump into MacKenzie. 

Yes, 2 days went through. Yes, there was a lot of things he wanted to say to her now. But still, he wasn't ready to hear what she had to say. He was too upset and heartbroken and mad to care about anything she had to say.

He went out of the building, grabbed a taxi and told the driver to "stop at the end of the block".

Back at ACN, MacKenzie was almot shaking in fear on her way up. She didn't know if Will was going to yell or ignore her or tell her to leave or even react. She wanted to talk so badly. She wanted to say to his face she was so happy she was bearing his child and hoped that eventually he could forgive her. She didn't mind waiting. She would love him even if he said he never wanted to see her again. Mac had her whole speech ready. 

The only thing she wasn't prepared for was Will not being there because he left. That was what his current assistant told her. "He just left in a rush, I don't even know where he was headed but seemed urgent. He was kind of running." Yes, Sasha. Running away from me. Not to even look at my face. 

Oh, boy, he hates me so much. 

Mac said hello to a few people, but avoided looking them in the eyes or else they'd realize she wanted to cry. She sadly made her way to Charlie's office. If there was anyone who told Will she was coming, it was him.

"Why did you tell him I was coming up?" She questioned barging on Charlie's office.

"Mac." She put a fed up face on. "He's not ready yet, Mac." She hid her face looking down again because right that moment she really thought Will had told him. And that was very embarrassing.

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