Eevee/Umbreon + child!reader

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Since you weren't old enough to go out on a Pokémon journey yet, your mom/dad/guardian was kind to catch you a Pokémon of your own, and an Eevee no less. You were so happy when you received Eevee. Your mom/dad/guardian has asked you what you had planned to evolve Eevee into. You simply replied with a shrug and an "I'm not sure."

It's been nearly two years since then and you still had no idea what you wanted to evolve Eevee into. Your mom/dad/guardian told you about Eevee's eight different evolutions, but you just couldn't decide. You were thinking about keeping Eevee as an Eevee, but you figured that you should let him/her choose to evolve or not.

You were playing outside with Eevee, when you started to notice that it was getting dark. You didn't want your mom/dad/guardian to get worried, so you called Eevee back to you and the two of you started walking home, which wasn't too far away but was still a little bit of a walk. As you were walking, you had this feeling... the feeling of being watched... you decide to pick up the pace a bit, which Eevee noticed.

"Eevee?" He/She looked up at you.

"I've got this feeling that we're being watched." As soon as the words came out of your mouth, Eevee stopped.

"What's wrong?" You asked, a bit worried. Eevee turned around, now facing away from you, and fired a shadow ball. You heard an eerie cry, which made you jump a bit as a purple, ghostlike Pokémon had come out of what seemed like nowhere.

The Pokémon had a round head, with tufts resembling a witch's hat atop its head, a thin red mouth which resembles the letter W. Below its head, it has a long neck with a round lump midway down. Three red spheres surround the upper portion of the ghost Pokémon's body. The lower part of its body looks to be as if it is wearing an old cloak. It let out a cry before launching an attack, consisting of colorful glowing leaves, at you. You screamed and try to cover yourself but Eevee jumped in and blocked the attack. He/She let out a cry of pain, making you open your eyes and uncover yourself.

"E-Eevee! You blocked the attack for me?" You knelt down beside your partner, who simply smiled at you. You smiled back and stood up.

"Will you be able to fight more?" You asked him/her. Eevee nodded and got back up.

"Alright Eevee, use shadow ball!"

~sorry but I'm gonna skip here~

You watched as the ghost Pokémon, which you still didn't know the name of, ran away, beaten. You giggled and picked up Eevee.

"You did it, Eevee!" You kissed his/ her forehead and smiled. Eevee let out a happy cry before being surrounded by a white glowing light. You set Eevee down, panicking as you weren't sure what's going on, as you simply watched as your partner Pokémon started to change.

"Umbreon!" Your partner called out as the light disappeared.

"Umbreon..?" You looked at your Pokémon. Black fur, red eyes, yellow rings around the ears, tail, forehead, and legs. It then clicked. Your Eevee just evolved into Umbreon, the moonlight Pokémon!

" evolved!" Your eyes lit up as you hugged Umbreon, who smiled and nuzzled the side of your head.

"Come on, let's go show mom/dad/guardian's name that you evolved!" You and Umbreon then ran home to tell your parents/guardian that your Eevee had evolved into an Umbreon, as well as the story behind the sudden evolution.... also the reason why you had come home late.

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