Hisuian Zoroark x Hisuian Typhlosian!Reader

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(Requested by: MasonGullett)

Living in the Alabaster Icelands, you were glad that you were at least part fire type. The reason you were living here in this cold place, was because your trainer ditched you here, soon after you evolved into Typhlosion. You were upset for a while, wondering what you could have done differently, but now you've just accepted that your trainer was awful and you've started learning to live in this cold climate.

"Y/n..?" You heard a familiar voice call out to you. You look back to see the one who practically saved you when you were first ditched out here: Zoroark.

"Yeah, what's up?" You tilt your head slightly.

"I've been lookin' all over for you." Zoroark walked up to you and sat beside you.

"I've been here the whole time. I've just been thinking is all.."

"Is it about your trainer..? Because if it is, then don't worry about them... They were terrible, and didn't deserve you."

"Heh.. thank you, Zoroark."

"And if they dare come back for you, I will beat the living daylights out of them, or any trainer for that matter.." He growled a bit as he said that, but stopped as you placed your paw on his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, I promise."

"Alright, fine.. let's get back home, it's gettin' dark and colder out." You nodded and followed him back to your shared home, where you had gotten a fire going for you two before going to sleep.

~timeskip to a few days later~

You were out and about again, gathering any food and firewood you could for you and Zoroark. You weren't paying too much attention to your surroundings, as most of the pokemon in the Icelands knew you/not to mess with you. You were reaching up to grab some berries, and the next thing you knew, you were hit from behind with a blast of water, which knocked you forward and made you drop the berries and firewood you had collected.

"Hey, what gives?!" You growled a bit as you turned around, to see a trainer and their Gyarados. Oh no.

"Alright, Gyarados, let's weaken it a bit more and we can catch it!" Gyarados nodded and awaited his trainer's next command, glaring down at you, you glaring back. You were definitely not going down without a fight.

~timeskip again oops~

You did your best to fight them off, but being part fire type was not helping you in this scenario, especially up against a Gyarados. You soon collapsed to the ground, watching in horror as the trainer threw a pokeball at you. You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for it to shrink you down and catch you... but it didn't come. You hesitantly opened your eyes and looked up to see the one who had saved you: Zoroark.


"You were taking a while to come back with supplies, so I got worried." He glanced back at you. "Now, let me finish this." He looked back at the trainer and rushed off into the fight, leaving you to rest a bit. You looked over to see the pokeball shredded over to the side, a faint smile rising to your face as you realized that you had the best partner you could ever have.

"Now don't come back!!" You heard Zoroark yell and watched the trainer flee for his life.

"Thank you for saving me, again." Zoroark helped you up and picked up what you had dropped that was still any good.

"It's not a problem, Y/n. Now let's get you back home, so you can get some rest." You nodded and the two of you made your way back home so you could both rest up, and maybe some cuddles as well.

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