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Right after the brief for the conclusion of the previous assignment, everyone left the living room, leaving me and Musa alone. I used to opportunity to talk to him.

"Capo!" I hailed him as I moved to the chair close to him "good evening" I greeted

"J-boy, what's up?" He asked keeping his phone away.

"I'm ok, but there is something I want to talk to you about"

" That is?"

I took in air and let it out. I knew what his answer was going to be, but there is no harm in trying, right?

"School" that was the only thing that could come out of my mouth even tho I planned on saying more.

"What about school?" He asked facing me properly this time. " I thought you said you've seen the waec result?"

"Yes, yes I have. The result was ok, I thought I showed you"

" No you didn't, but since you said it was ok" he stopped to ruffle my hair "smart boy, all A's yeah?"

"Yes." I smiled but that wasn't what I came to talk about " thank you, but that's not all"

"What is it then?" He asked again

"University, I want to go to a university" I had to stop beating around the bush and hit the nail on its head. As soon as I finished the statement his facial expression changed. It was scary, I just hoped he wasn't going to get angry.

"Out of everyone here, are you aware of any that went to the university?" He sounded surprisingly calm. Thank God.

"Noone, no one did. But I thought that since I didn't finish secondary I'd be able to go through the university."

"Nobody went through secondary school here, they were just so lucky that they finished secondary before joining us. I met Omale at a young age too and he didn't go through any, so what is it?" He slowly maintaining a scary eye contact with me.

"And I have told you this before, I hope you don't expect me to keep repeating myself. You can't go to the university. It's very risky, but on you and the gang as a whole."  I wasn't disappointed with what he said, cause I expected it what surprised me was the fact he wasn't angry, yet.

I wasn't done with the discussion so I continued
"Capo, I have made research and I can be going from here everyday. I could apply for university of Abuja, it's not far from here at all" I tried to make him reason with me.

"See Joba I get you, I really do" he said making himself comfortable on the chair. That was when I knew I was up for a lecture. "You see, every one of the boys passed through this stage, they were mad, they wanted to go to school, wanted to be like their mates, but they didn't know they were not on the same level with the people they called mates. And as time went on they realized they didn't need school or university,they realized they were getting more than what the so called mates where getting, they realized their destinies where different and  they also realized they could do much on their own. Look at Dubem, look at George, look at Ayo, Benji even you, you all are smart asses and you guys didn't go to school. Shey you see that you don't need the school at the end?" He stopped for a bit to observe my face and continued.

"I'm not wicked. I'm just doing all of this to avoid any silly mistakes. Ok let me brake it down" I listened attentively cause I was still not convinced.
"When you get to school there is no how you are not going to make friends, and along the line trust comes in. Believe me when I tell you humans are evil, cause this people can break your trust in thh twinkle of an eye and fuck you up real bad in ways you never expect. Ok let's assume you don't trust this people to that extent, as the friends they think they are they would want to know where you stay, where you are coming from, and when you don't tell them and keep avoiding talks like that they would start thinking and saying shit. They would tag you to a lot of things and everyone would have eyes on you. I hope with this few points of mine I'm able to convince you and not confuse you" he was done and he carried his eyes away from me. His speech made him sound like he made a mistake like this in the past, he sounded crazy.
If it was all about making friends I won't make any then, it shouldn't be that hard.

I shook my head before replying him "Alright then, I won't make any friends. Once I'm done with my classes I would come back. I promise I won't talk to anyone" my statement made the attention come back to me and I noticed his upper lip twitch. Ewoo!

"Joba, you are still a kid, you won't be able to understand yet. How do you plan on not making any friends?" I didn't answer him, it was obvious he was trying to keep his cool.
"Remove your mind from everything concerning going to school. And this is final. I call this discussion to a close". With that he got up and walked away.

Watching his back view made me angry. Watching him walk away vexed me. I was vexed, madly.

I was vexed that he didn't listen to me, vexed that he wasn't going to give me a chance. I was vexed cause he was stopping me from living my mother's dream. I fetched 2 fist full of my hair and groaned.

What just happened reminded me of the time I just came and Musa refused I continue schooling. I was sad and angry. I couldn't do anything, I was just 14 and they was absolutely nothing I could do. Not going to school was hard for me, really hard. I know what you are thinking, who likes going to school?. I definitely wasn't the type to like school when my parents where still alive. I always wanted to be with them but they wanted me to be in school, going to school then was tough for me.

It all changed when I got to my uncle's place, School was the only place I found comfort and peace of mind. A place I was able to think and act like a normal human being. Becoming a school lover made me intelligent, it made me find interest in reading and researching. I didn't know I could get that intelligent my whole life, I only wished my parents where there to see their son become brilliant. It was something my mom always prayed for.

Being intelligent made me important in the school, I had to be included in every decision they wanted to take on the students, I went for different excursions. Everyone knew me in the school, in the space of two years. It was a place I could speak with confidence and no one to shut me up. School was the only place I could go to escape all the abuse, the physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse.

Yh, you saw that right. I was sexually abused.

I cringed as I remembered. They were really crazy in that family sha.

I felt someone's eyes on me, bolting me out of my angered thoughts. I turned around to meet Ayo's eyes on me, I looked him in his eyes and wondered how long he had been there. He didn't say anything and I got up,he was still looking at me. For a moment I thought I saw worry in his eyes but it disappeared as soon as it came.

I walked towards him cause he was standing on the first step of the stairs. I was about to walk pass him but his voice stopped me.
"Yo! I want to buy pizza and drinks, should I get for you?." He asked, he voice laced with concern. Ayo wasn't the type to be in people's business or give a fuck about anybody, but when it came to me it wasn't that way, he made sure my matter was his and I didn't understand why.

"No". It sounded rude " I'll be in my room" I added so it won't sound so rude. I walked away immediately not missing his cold eyes giving me the sad look. He reaction made it obvious that he heard my conversation with Musa.

I laid my back on the door after locking it. I didn't want any disturbance. I slid down to the floor, resting my back on the door with my hands on my hair. I started to look around every corner of my room, observing everything. Every damned thing. From my neatly arranged bed piled with books, to my extremely wide read table that was stacked with books, to my ironing table with a lot of books on top, to my bean bag and the opened books around it, then finally to my shelves that had the worst amount of book in them.

Funny enough I had read all these books.

My eyes roamed about faster this time and different thoughts dropped in my head.

So I read all these books for nothing? I asked myself. My anger went from a 15 to 100, and there was nothing I could do, absolutely nothing. So I did the only thing that I could do at the moment.

I started smashing stuffs, I broke everything breakable that I saw. And my ears went deaf on the people calling my name outside my door.

Another chapter guys!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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