ℝ𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℙ𝕒𝕪𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥

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Make sure you read this thoroughly because the password will be here.

 1. Vote on the following chapters to prove that you read them:
❈ About the Reviewer
❈ Rules and Payment
❈ Forms
❈ The chapter with your completed review once it's published

2. Please be patient and don't be rude. I have things I need to do outside of Wattpad, and I can't read stories 24/7.

3. Only one story request at a time. Once I complete your review, you can fill out another request. This will give others a chance to have their story reviewed as well. 

4. There is no way to skip the request line. You must wait your turn, and I will try to get each request done in a timely manner.

5. After I accept your request, you must fulfill the payment in one week. The password is your favorite song. If you fail to complete the payment, your request will be removed from my list.

7. I have the right to decline any requests. If your request is rejected, I will DM you the reason why.

❅ A permanent follow

❅ Add this book to one of your public reading lists

❅ Announce this book on your dashboard/conversations

❅ (Optional) Please check out my stories to see if there's anything you'd want to read

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