"GET UR F***ING HANDS OFF HER!" ~ ☕️🖤 ~ 🙄

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Y/n's POV

I was on getting dressed to go to my boyfriends house bc he asked me if I could come over to keep him company while was figuring out a way to stop the apocalypse. I decided to wear something casual and chose this outfit .

As I was going to turn the door handle I hear screaming and shouting then as soon as a walk in Luther comes towards me and picks me up and holds me against the wall and then Diego comes in and throws two knives any me pinning me against the wallAn...

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As I was going to turn the door handle I hear screaming and shouting then as soon as a walk in Luther comes towards me and picks me up and holds me against the wall and then Diego comes in and throws two knives any me pinning me against the wall
And if that wasn't enough Allison came in and held a knife up to my throat.

* just great all my 3 least favourite of five's siblings are trying to kill me.* I thought to myself. Moments late my boyfriend five came running through will a gun pointing it towards Allison who still has the knife to my throat

"GET YOUR FU**ING HANDS OFF HER BEFORE I KILL YOU!!" Five yelled clearly mad. Allison then began to say something but was immediately cut off by five saying "AND DONT THINK JUST BECAUSE YOUR MY SIBLINGS I WONT HURT YOU!!" After five yelled Allison, Diego and Luther helped me down but as they were doing that Allison whispered "I heard a rumour... that you went numb." And indeed that happened as they placed my down on my feet I fell to the floor hitting my head that started to bleed from the impact of the fall. Five rushed over to me and blinked us to the medical room where grace was.

After awhile I was all better and I was able to walk so I walked into the living room where everyone was and used my powers and threw Luther into a wall threw a bunch of knives towards Diego which created an outline of him on the wall. And finally for Allison I picked her up with my powers and shoved her against the wall the used a knife to just prick her throat so not too much blood came out.

After a was finished with Allison I unfroze them they all came running towards my but luckily five blinked in front of me then blinked us into his room where he was sitting at his desk and I was on his lap with my head snuggled into his neck.
"I love you princess" five says softly kissing the top of my head "I love you to Fivey." I mumbled into his neck then kissed a few times.

Aidan ~ Five ~ Nicky         preferences / imagines Where stories live. Discover now