That was bold~🖤☕️~🥺

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I've seen this awhile ago and I can't remember where I read it. Ik I'm dumb 😌💅

In this image you have the power illusion so you can make people see things that aren't really there.

Klaus' POV

I came home from going shopping so I went and put my bags in my room then I went to the kitchen to see Y/n making her self a cup of coffee I sat down and thought nothing of it because it was normal for her to have coffee regularly.

After her coffee was made she came and sat down across from me picking up a book that was already on the table.

Five then blinked into the kitchen and he looked stressed, stressed as me when I don't have any drugs and that's pretty stressed. He walked over to the coffee pot and released there was none "What the hell!" Five shouted while staring down at the empty coffee pot. "That was bold Y/L/N Extremely bold" I whispered to her. She looked at me confused I then pointed to five and the empty coffee pot.

She looked terrified everyone knows not to drink the last of five's coffee. Y/n then began to stand up covering her coffee with her book slowly backing away out the kitchen and to what I assume Is her and five's shared room. I forgot to mention Y/n and five are dating and they were the most adorable couple ever. " Do you know who done this?" He asked with a bit of anger in his voice holding up the empty coffee pot. I wasn't gonna snitch on y/n so I decided to lie "I'm not to sure." I say looking of in to the distance to make it seem like I'm thinking. "Whatever I'm gonna go find y/n." He says I don't try to stop him because I know it wouldn't work.

Five's POV

I walked up the stairs to mine and Y/n's shared room. As I walked in I saw beautiful girlfriend reading the book on the bed. I walked over to give her I kiss but as I came closer she got up and walking away. I was confused so I walk towards her again and again she backed away this time hitting the wall. As she hit the wall something came out of her book it looked like some sort of brown liquid the I realised she had the last of the coffee.

"Great now I've got coffee all over my boo..." y/n started "I um I-I-I'm s-so s-sorry F-f-five I-I-it w-was an ac-accident I s-s-sw-wear" she stuttered I took the book and coffee out of her hands and put the on my desk after that I pulled her in by her waist and kissed her passionately. "It's okay darling it's okay" a small smile then spread across her lips.

"But since you had the last of the coffee you need to do whatever I want you to do for the rest of the day. Got it" I said with a smirk. She just nodded "I need words princess." I say as I put my fingers under her chin lifting her head up "I understand." She replied. "Good girl now first of all go torture Luther he's been pissing me off all day. She then again nodded innocently and skipped out the room.

Five minutes later I was at my desk doing some equations when I hear Luther yelling "GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME I DONT LIKE IT!" I
walk out my room to see Y/n looking at Luther and I know she's using her power. I teleport behind her and put my hands around her waist.

"Spiders?" I asked "Rattle tail snakes actually." She replied she then sat down and I was confused she then began to death stare Luthers feet "What are you doing?" I asked curiously she didn't respond all she did was give me a pair of glasses i put them on the realised that she had turned the floor into lava. I sat down next to her and she put her head on my shoulder "bye Luther" she said then waved all of a sudden Luther was on the floor "NO NO NO IM TO IMPORTANT TO DIE!" He screamed.

All me and Y/n done was laugh. A few minutes later realised that her eyes were closing so I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her head then I picked her up and walked to my room "oh and Luther your not important at all." I said as I opened my door "I am too I'm number 1!" He shouted at me "yeah yeah whatever and also don't shout you'll wake her up and if you do you know what happens." I said then closed my door. I placed Y/n down on my bed gently and kissed her forehead "Sleep well princess"

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