Chapter 4.

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A few hours later Tulisa's back in London. She gets a taxi to her flat and flops down on the sofa next to Gareth. "Have fun?" He asks. "Yeah, it was amazing." She replies smiling. "Good. What did yous do?" He asks. "Well we went for dinner then I went with him to training this morning." She replies smiling. "Oh sounds fun." He says. "It was." She replies smiling. "Do you like him T?" He asks. "I do yeah." She replies. "That's good. Has anything happened between you two yet?" He asks. "We kissed. Not like a proper kiss though. And we had a cuddle." She replies. "Aww, have you texted him to like him know your home safely?" He asks. "Nah, I'm just gonna do that just now." She replies pulling her phone out her pocket.

To Danny :  

That's me home :) xx

From Danny :  

Alright babe x

To Danny :  

You home from training yet? xx

From Danny :  

Nope just on a break, you got anything planned today? x

To Danny :  

Nope, just have a day in with G I think. When do you finish training? xx

From Danny :  

Aww sounds better than my day. Round about 6ish x

To Danny :  

Aww okay! I'll let ya get back to training then. Speak to ya later xx

She locks her phone and puts it back in her pocket. "So G, what we doing today?" She asks. "Umm movies & ice cream?" He replies and she nods her head. "Yeah sounds good to me." She says. They get everything they need then settle down on the sofa to watch their movies. A few hours later Tulisa's phone vibrates. She pulls it out her pocket.

From Michelle :  

How did your date with Danny go? xx

To Michelle :  

It was good :) x

From Michelle :  

Did ya stay the night? xx

To Michelle :  

Yeah x

From Michelle :  

Did ya sleep in his bed? xx

To Michelle :  

Well kinda but not really ... x

From Michelle :  

What does that mean? xx

To Michelle :  

Well we were in separate beds, I was in the spare room but I couldn't sleep so he came and lay with me. Nothing happened though! x

From Michelle :  

I told you he liked you! So when are you seeing him again? xx

To Michelle :  

I don't know x

From Michelle :  

You should arrange for him to go up to London xx

To Michelle :  

I might, anyway I'll text ya later, I'm away for a bath before G wakes up x

She locks her phone and puts it in her pocket before going off to run a bath. She goes in for her bath and comes out an hour later. She cant be bothered drying her hair so just scrapes it back in a messy bun. She puts her onesie on then picks up her phone to see she's got a text and missed call from Danny. She opens the text.

From Danny :

Was just wondering if you wanted to Skype for a little bit but you're obviously busy since you never answered your phone. Hope everything's alright x

She smiles before turning on her laptop and logging into Skype. She sees Danny's on and calls him. He answers after a few minutes and they sit talking about things for an hour. "So I was thinking, why don't you come up here on Friday? You can come watch the xfactor on Saturday then we can go out or something?" She suggests. "Yeah that sounds good. I've also been thinking. Are we going to make this official. Like are we dating or is this just something casual?" He asks. "Umm, I don't know what do you think?" She replies. "I don't know. I mean I do really like you but after what you've been through in your past I don't want you to rush into something you don't want and I certainly don't want to hurt you." He says. "I think this is what I want. When I'm with you I just seem to forget about everything that's happened this year and for once I'm actually happy." She replies. "This is what I want aswell. How about we keep it quiet then if its not what we want in a few weeks time it doesn't matter because no one really knows about it." He suggests. "Yeah that sounds good." She says. "I probably should tell my ex though." He replies. "Yeah you should." She says. "Okay, I'll phone her on Friday when I'm with you." He replies smiling. "Okay, well I'm gonna head to bed if that's alright cause I'm shattered." She says yawning. "Okay, I'll speak to you tomorrow." He replies. "Night." She says just as Gareth comes walking into the room. She ends the call and shuts the laptop down. "Who were you talking to?" He asks climbing into bed beside her. "Danny, we were on Skype." She replies. "Oh okay." He says. "He's coming up on Friday and to the xfactor on Saturday." She replies before turning over and going to sleep. "Alright." He says even though she's already fast asleep.

Just Another Love Story!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ