Chapter 13.

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The next day Tulisa and Danny have travelled back to London. After getting properly check out by a doctor, he's got a splint on and is in crutches. They're sitting on the sofa with Tulisa cuddled into Danny. "Babe, I've been thinking. Why don't you spend Christmas down in Newcastle with me?" Danny asks and Tulisa looks up at him. "Are you sure?" She asks and he nods his head. "Yeah, it beats being up here on your own plus I really wanna see you open your presents." He replies. "Okay, I'd love too!" She replies and he leans down to kiss her. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer to her. They break apart after a few minutes and Tulisa cuddles back into Danny's side. "So what we doing before you need to start getting ready for tonight?" Danny asks and Tulisa shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know cuddle?" She asks and he nods his head. "Cuddle sounds good." He replies smiling. Tulisa rests her head back on Danny's chest.

A few hours later they've just pulled up at the xfactor studio's. Tulisa gets out the car and grabs her back before going round to Danny's side. She grabs his crutches and helps him out the car. "Your like my mum, just taking care of me here." He says smiling at her. "Oh I'm like your mum now am I?" She asks and starts walking away. "Oi T! Wait up baby." He shouts. "Nah, I'm like your mum so you wont be wanting any cuddles tonight. Just aswell I've got a spare room." She replies. "Oi T, come on you know I never meant it like that." He says. Tulisa stops walking and waits for Danny to catch up with her. She turns around and wraps her arms around his waist. She leans forward and places a gentle kiss on his lips. "Come on mister, lets get you inside." She says. They walk into the studio's and manage to get to Tulisa's dressing room without bumping into anyone. When they get their Gareth's already sitting inside with Louis and Nicole. "Well I should've guess yous would be in here." She says as Danny sits down next to Gareth. "You alright Danny?" Gareth asks and Danny nods his head. "Yeah this one's been looking after me." He replies pointing at Tulisa who smiles. Gareth moves over and Tulisa sits down next to Danny who puts his arm around her. He leans down and whispers something in Tulisa's ear and she starts laughing. She leans up and whispers something back and he kisses her forehead. They both look away and Nicole, Louis & Gareth are staring at them quiet confused. "Hi." Tulisa says causing Danny to burst out laughing which causes Tulisa to laugh aswell. They both sit laughing for about 15 minutes to the point where Tulisa has tears streaming down her cheeks. Nicole, Louis and Gareth have no idea what they're laughing at. When they've eventually stopped laughing Tulisa wipes her eyes. "What was so funny?" Gareth asks and Tulisa looks up at Danny before bursting out laughing again and he does the same. "Right I'm just gonna leave you two to your little laughing fits. Nicole? Louis? Wanna go get a coffee?" He asks and they both nod their heads. The three of them leave and Tulisa moves so she's sitting on Danny's knee with her legs either side of him. She leans forward and crashes her lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and pulls her closer to him. His hands travel down her back and stop at the waistband of her trackies. She pulls away from the kiss and looks at him. "We are not doing this in my dressing room, tonight once we get back to the house." She says and he nods his head. She stays sitting on his knee and just cuddles into his chest. Danny flicks the switch so the radio comes on and Tulisa begins singing along. "When I was younger I saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it. And my momma swore that she would never let herself forget. And that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist. But darling, you are the only exception." She sings and looks deep into Danny's eyes. Suddenly the door opens and Gareth walks back in. "Alright you two. Break apart please." He says and Tulisa smiles. "We're only having a cuddle." She replies resting her head on Danny's chest. A few minutes later Louis, Nicole and Gary walk in. "T, can I have a word?" Gary asks. "Gary if your gonna apologise again don't. Just come in and have a seat. I've forgot about it." She replies and he smiles at her. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah, come sit down." She replies moving so she's no long straddling Danny. She swings her legs over so they're over the side of the sofa and leans back against Danny's chest. They sit talking for about an hour until Nicole and Tulisa have to go to hair and makeup. Danny, Gareth, Louis and Gary stay in Tulisa's dressing room talking.

A few hours later the show is finished and Tulisa & Danny are back at hers. Tulisa rolls onto her side to face Danny. "I love you." She says as he pulls the duvet up over them a bit further. "I love you too baby but do you not want to put some clothes on. It's pretty cold?" He asks and she nods her head. "Yeah pass me a tshirt and some underwear out that drawer will you." She replies. He grabs her stuff and she quickly puts it on before cuddling into him. A few hours later Tulisa's not slept at all. She sees Danny's eyes flicker. "Babe?" Tulisa says looking up at Danny. "What?" He asks sleepily. "Will you come a walk with me?" She asks. "What now?" He replies and she nods her head. "Yeah I cant sleep but its alright I can go on my own if you want to just sleep." She says sitting up. "Nah, I'll come with you. What time is it?" He asks. "Umm, 5am." She replies. "Right go get dressed." He says and she smiles. They get dressed and go out a walk. They get back to the house at around 7am and by 11am there's already articles been published online about their walk. Tulisa makes them something to eat then they settle down on the sofa to watch a movie.

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