Chapter Three

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The world was blurry.

The wood was hard against my cheek and my bones were aching in various different places. I was on the floor?

With a great amount of resistance, I rose myself up noticing the morning sun peeking through the heavy curtains. I felt the drowsiness suddenly seeping out of my body as I sat up rubbing at my tired eyes.

"Olive-" I looked around the room.


Suddenly the whole world was crushing against my head and I felt boulders upon boulders ramming against my skull. The realization of what happened last night was deafening and I could only hear a high pitched buzzing in my ear drums.

The white linen sheet I remembered was no where to be seen. Neither was the man cloaked in black. What was going on? Why was this happening to me? I haven't done anything! I got up from my position, my quick movements startling my unresponsive body. A sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed me, and I sat back down on the bed. My head hurt and my body ached. A low crushing weight pulled down on my stomach and a sudden bile rose in my throat.

I looked around the blank room with my eyes running quickly over everything I could find.

And then I saw it.

A white note laying on the edge of my bedside table, the edges curling up at the ends. It was sitting there as if it were to blow off any moment and land on the ground. Like someone had just set it there without a reason to do so, or with not a care in the world. An aching head ache pummeled against my forever hurting brain as I stared at the note. Dread and fear consumed me like a starving animal that hasn't eaten in days. Waves upon waves of nostalgia hit me, and with a forced movement I picked up the note.

The letters were curved and neat. Typed in a small font. The paper was thick and expensive with golden designs on the sides of the paper. I looked at the swirling patterns suddenly disgusted by the way they swirled and looped around the paper. Like vines. But it was the words that startled me most.

Dear Neavaeh Williamson,

We do not tolerate these games you are playing. Calling the police a was a bad move and I'm sure you would now agree with me. You are missing someone. Look around, do you see him any where? Next time we may have to take someone more human. This is a warning. Don't do it again. You will face consequences.

E . E

Dear God.

The pounding came upon in waves. I was trapped and I could do nothing about it. What was going on? Who are they and where are they? I looked back over to the door frame where the man once stood and back at the note. This was all to much, too soon, so fast.

My breathing erupted into frantic gasps and a black void covered my eyes. A panic attack.

Suddenly the world didn't exist and my mind halted. I fainted.


It was a dark tunnel.

I was running fast and my heart was beating loudly. My throat was dry and the gasps hurt my throat. Someone was chasing me.

I could hear their heavy foot steps slamming on the concrete after me, and there was only small amounts moonlight pouring through cracks in the walls. The person was gaining on me quickly.

You are missing someone

My legs suddenly stopped moving as fast and everything started to move in slow motion except the man in black, my chaser.

Next time we will have to take someone more human

The walls of the dark tunnel closed in and suddenly the murmurs from the outside my window filled my head with a shattering white noise.

You will face consequences

Their dark whispering voices alluded my head and suddenly my body stopped. I stopped running and my chest heaved itself from my heavy breaths. My mind was fuzzy and frightened tears leaked from my eyes.

He walked up behind me.

So, you're Heaven.


I woke up with a jolt as if someone had electrocuted me.

My heart was inside my throat and I could feel my body involuntarily shaking. A warm frustrated tear had made its way down my icy cheek.

I realized suddenly, how cold I was. My toes were ice cubes and my arms were freezing. I was on the floor. I had fainted. It was just a nightmare.

A wave of relief flew through my body. But no, it was not a nightmare. It was real. This was real, the man, the words in the letter, the people outside my window-

The window.

It was dark outside. Pitch black.

I scooted my numb body over to the wall, leaning my head beneath the window. I could hear them.

The conversation was hushed and alluring. Frightening and supernatural. The sound of their hushed voices had the blood rising to my ears.

But it also triggered an anger rising within me. A growing putrid rage that filled me to the core.
E . E
Who did they think they were. This was my Grand Pappy's house! My property, my life! All sense of reality had left me, and hatred filled my bones unknowingly. This is what fear really comes down to.

I grabbed the bat off the floor by the bed and walked down the stairs. Still not completely sure of my mental state at the moment.

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