Chapter 6

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Annie's Point of View

My eyes slowly opened as the morning light hit my skin. Along with the bright view, I caught a whiff of food being cooked. I smiled as I remembered what happened last night. It was something inevitable that I don't regret doing.

I felt a sudden sting in between my legs as I sat up. I rested a couple of minutes before standing up and heading towards the kitchen, seeing Armin cooking food. I sat down behind the counter and watched him cook. He was wearing a white shirt that complemented his back muscles and blonde hair. I remembered how gentle he was last night despite his enormous size.

He placed the food he was cooking on a plate and turned around. He smiled as soon as he saw me and placed the plate in front of me.

"Good morning." He greeted with his morning voice. I remember how he told me that he usually doesn't wake up so early but he did wake up this morning earlier just to cook breakfast for me.

"Good morning." I greeted back and we both began to eat breakfast together. I don't eat anything other than salad but he cooked just for me. A few calories won't hurt.

"I washed your clothes last night before I slept. It's at the bathroom." He said when he finished eating.

I heard my phone suddenly ring and I saw Bertholdt's name on it. I slid my thumb on the screen to answer the call. Before I could even greet him, his voice interrupted me.

"Annie where are you? I went to your place last night but you weren't there. Historia doesn't even know where you are." His worried voice was heard from the other line.

"I'm fine, Bertholdt. I'm at my parents' house." I lied and saw how Armin looked down.

"Oh...Stay safe on your way back then." He said and I replied with a hum before turning off the call and laying my phone down the table.

"Am I your daddy now?" He said as he raised his head and chuckled. We both laughed as I shook my head in disbelief at what I just told Bertholdt.

He cleaned up after we were done and I went to the bathroom to change my clothes. As I looked at the mirror I saw something eye catching that could make me ruin my reputation.

"Shit." I mumbled as I saw several hickeys on my neck. Don't get me wrong, I love his love marks but if I get out of his apartment with these on my neck, I'd be the top headline in the trending list.

I heard a sudden knock on the door and told him to come in for I was done changing. He had a bowl with a spoon dipped on the ice.

"I figured out you'd need this. I'm sorry for overdoing it I couldn't help myself last night." I noticed how he lays his palm at the back of his neck and avoids eye contact when he gets shy. He can either be so adorable and ridiculously hot, there's no in between.

"Thank you." I said as he placed the bowl on top of the vanity and grabbing the cold spoon, pressing it on my hickeys. As my hickeys began to almost match my skin color but not yet entirely, I placed some concealer on it. I went outside the bathroom and saw Armin sitting at the sofa, standing up as soon as he saw me.

"I would want to stay longer but I have a meeting to catch up to. Thank you for letting me stay the night...and giving me such a great time." I said as I whispered the last sentence.

"No, thank you. I'm sorry for letting you stay the night. I don't know what has gotten into me but...I'm glad it did." He said as he looked at me with his pleading eyes again, moving down to my lips.

He leaned in closer to me and I did as well, feeling our pressed lips together again. I felt sad somewhere near me because I knew that this is just a temporary fling with someone as famous as I am. It has always been a part of the industry. Nevertheless, I want to spend as much time as I can with him. I'll focus on the present first because that's what makes me happy the most. Being with him makes me forget all of the negative sides of the world.

I smiled at him before putting on my disguise and leaving his apartment. I got inside the car and the driver drove me towards the meeting place which was a broadcasting company.

Despite me leaving his place already, I could still feel his touch all over my body. Everytime I think of him, my cheeks feel hot and I would always catch myself unconsciously smiling. I wouldn't deny the fact that I like him already because it obviously shows through my emotions everytime he passes through my mind.

I arrived at the broadcasting company and saw Historia waiting by the front door. She looked at me fiercely, awaiting my arrival in front of her. As I got to her, she grabbed me by my hand and pulled me inside.

"Annie where the heck were you last night?!" She looked around as she whispered a yell at me. "Bertholdt was looking for you! Don't tell me you went into that author's house!"

I shook my head and denied which made one of her eyebrows shot up. She didn't believe me.

"Anyways, I'll go in the meeting room now. I'll meet you in the car." I said as I went inside the room, greeted by my manager, Bertholdt, and a few men that looked familiar to me.

"Oh she's here. Annie, they are the production team for the new movie you'll be starring in with Bertholdt." My manager introduced me to them and I bowed to them before sitting down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Annie Leonhart and Bertholdt Hoover. I'm Erwin Smith, the manager of the author of the book we'll be making a movie adaptation from." Erwin slid a book in front of us and I was stunned as I saw what book that was.

All The Bright Places

Erwin Smith is Armin Arlert's manager. Me and Bertholdt will be starring in a movie adaptation from Armin's book.

"I'm sorry to say this Erwin, but isn't Armin Arlert the most talked about author these days? Considering his past relationship with the pop star, Christa Lenz." My manager spoke.

"Indeed he is the most talked about but his works were and still are the best sellers. Every book he made and every movie adaptations from them were always a hit. People are just joining the bandwagon of hate but it will all pass." Erwin said convincingly. My manager nodded and looked at me.

"I understand. We accept the offer." My manager said and shook hands with the producers. I got used to her not asking for my decision. Even if I hated it, she'd still make me do it. Like how she made me star for a Lingerie magazine just as I turned eighteen. From then on, I was called a whore and a slut.

As the meeting ended and we got our scripts, I went straight back to the car with Bertholdt. I've been turning down his offer to have dinner with him too much that I suddenly feel bad. I wouldn't want him to be suspicious of anything.

We arrived at a fancy restaurant and sat near the glass wall with the view of the skyline.

"You didn't looked pleased a while ago. Are you alright?" He asked as he was busy cutting the steak. When he was done, he grabbed my plate and gave me his plate which had the steak already cut into pieces. He was always caring and thoughtful towards me.

"I'm alright. It's just that we just finished our current movie and we'll be shooting non-stop again." I said as I placed a piece of steak inside my mouth. Althought I don't mind at all. It was Armin's book we'll be making an adaptation of. If I get to see him everyday, then I'll gladly star in the movie for him.

We spent our time talking about our new project like we would always do. Bertholdt has always been a nice partner but why do I think of another man when I'm with him these days?

I couldn't get Armin off my mind. What is he doing? How is he doing? Where is he? Did he eat already? Questions started to formulate within me again.

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