35: Trapped

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A/N: Thank you for 4k reads,, it is honestly overwhelming how fast this book is growing. I'm really grateful. Sorry for the long chapter, i hope you like it

Still sleepy, Hani slowly walked down the stairs. She rubbed her eyes, as if trying to shoo the tiredness away. That morning, she had woken up by herself in bed; which, had, inevitably, made her get up and search for the missing duo. She was expecting to walk into the messy, utterly destroyed living room and kitchen; however, the Luna was surprised to see that it had been cleaned thoroughly and that there were no traces, at all, of the night before. No broken furniture, no splashes of blood, no shards of glass. It seemed that nothing had happened at all and had been nothing but a weird nightmare, Hani's mind had tricked her with. Her feet continued on their journey, spotting the empty opening on the kitchen, where the door that led to their backyard used to be. The oak floor under her feet was cold, yet, as she inched closed to the kitchen; a bright sunlight cascaded inside the room, heating up her feet. Hani could hear them talking, a muffled soft conversation. Her footsteps quickened and as she reached the opening, her eyes glowed with happiness and warmth.

"No, you can't play with that" The Alpha replied calmly to the toddler, gently taking the hammer from his hands. Fai looked up at him, for he was sitting on the grass in between Jungkook's legs, the wooden wolf was on his lap, carefully laid down. "These are dangerous, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

Outside, the early morning was beaming with light. The sun rays were warm and gold. The birds chirped outside, twirling in the air as they chased after one another. The sky was blue, clear of all clouds. It appeared that spring was, at last, settling in the air. Closing her eyes, Hani inhaled deeply the fresh air; feeling her body relax, her heart being refreshened. Jungkook's exposed back was facing her, the sun glided across his honeyed skin. He had tied his dark hair into a small ponytail, on the top of his head. Diligently, he worked on something Hani couldn't see, due to how his wide shoulders covered her view; even Fai was swallowed in, for he was much smaller than the Alpha, and so, his body was completely hidden by his. They hadn't noticed her yet, watching them fondly from afar, leaning against the door frame.


Fai's tiny finger pointed to a wrench that was laid on the floor, just a few inches away from him. His eyes were big, as he gazed at Jungkook, patiently, waiting for his answer. It appeared that he was asking if he could play with it, or so the Alpha assumed. Chuckling softly, he ruffled his hair and amusedly, told him, again.

"No, you can't. I'll give you something to play with once I'm done with this. Okay?" Jungkook went back to whatever he was doing, stealing a glance at Fai who, now, quietly watched him work. "We can go toy shopping after breakfast, and you pick whatever you like. For now, how about you help me out and give me that wrench you were pointing to"

The toddler's eyes sparkled in enthusiasm and, dropping carefully next to Jungkook the wooden wolf, he reached out his arms. Crawling slightly along the grass, Fai grasped the wrench. Using his hands as support, he got up, a bit unbalanced though, and waddled towards the Alpha. With his arms wide open, Jungkook embraced him, playfully dragging him back to his lap. Fai giggled, kicking his feet in the air in glee. Smiling, Jungkook took the wrench from his hands, mumbling a heartfelt 'thank you, you did such a good job' to the toddler. Hani still in the same place stood, smiling from ear to ear, glowing from cheek to cheek. In a way, the scene felt, somewhat, familiar to her; as if she had seen it before. It was an odd thought and hastily, she shrugged it off, before joining the duo on the grass.

"What are you two up to this early in the morning?"

At the sound of her voice, both of the boys turned their head around, immediately. As soon as their eyes met, the Alpha blossomed into a smile, grinning with all his teeth. The toddler, hastily, tried to get up on his feet; but, his inexperience made it harder for him, so Jungkook had to help him out, by raising him to his feet. Hani laughed tenderly at Fai who waddling and with his arms wide open, trying to get some balance.

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