44: Vigilant

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A/N: thank you so much for 7k reads, i love you

"Here's the rules, buddy" Strongly, Jungkook pointed his finger at the toddler who wide-eyed stared at him in confusion. "No wandering off, no being by yourself, always stay next to Ma, Pa or one of your uncles, got it? No picking stuff from the floor and eating it. No touching in things besides your toys. There are dangerous things sprawled around the floor and we are not safe, Fai. This is not home, okay? Please listen to Ma and Pa, and don't go off on adventures."

Fai didn't really offer a response, honestly, the Alpha's orders were rather... redundant to him. Agape, his mouth formed a tiny pout and his eyes glowed timidly at the Alpha; clearly, more interested in the cookies that he held in his hands than on his warnings. Dropping gently the wooden wolf next to his toys, Fai crawled slowly towards Jungkook's feet. Hani had put him down on a little picnic blanket and the Alpha was in charge of watching over him, while the Luna helped with the other kids and offered care to the pregnant women. Over the course of days, Hani had invested a lot of her time on learning from Daeun multiple medical procedures and balms. She figured that since war and battle weren't something she enjoyed, the least she could do, was help those who'd eventually get hurt in it. Like the Alpha, Hani felt that she had a role too; a protective, leader-like role in the pack. She wasn't that far away from the Alpha and the toddler, Jungkook could spot her figure in the distance; afterall, they had promised to one another that they'd stay together, for as much time as they could. Distance would only be acceptable and necessary; in case they were attacked or the Alpha decided that she'd be safer away from him.

Jungkook's eyes fell on the toddler who wrapped his arms around his legs, using them as support as he tried to get up. Once more, he was unbalanced on his feet; he swayed panicking, as he straightened his body. Chuckling softly, the Alpha's hand rested on his back, bringing his body closer to his leg. Fai, eyes twinkling with mischief and playfulness, reached for the cookies in Jungkook's hands; yet, the Alpha, notorious for that same wittiness, quickly, read his actions and he raised the bag higher in the air. Despite how much he struggled on his own feet, Fai refused to give up. Tightly, he grasped Jungkook's jeans and he climbed on top of the Alpha's feet. His hands reached for the bag and again, Jungkook lifted it higher; challenging the toddler, to see how far he would go. In a sudden wave of adrenaline, Fai, eyes sharp and fierce, hopped. It was the first time he was doing it and it caught the Alpha by surprise, causing his arm to lower, slightly. The toddler's tiny fingers brushed past the bag, gazing over it, almost having it in its grasp. However, the new movement was still foreign to him and without knowing how to recover his balance, Fai stumbled backwards. Yet, before his body could reach the floor, he was swept from his feet and warmly, he was embraced by Jungkook. Smiling proudly, the Alpha glowed. His heart, if it was a star, surely, it would be the brightest; the toddler had that effect on him, similarly to how Hani had on him.

"You're quite the little warrior, are you not? As expected..." The words dragged out from his lips, full of emotion and certainty in them and still, the last ones he dared to pronounced, were more hesitant, shaky. Their eyes locked, Fai's and Jungkook's and swallowing down the fear that hollowed his chest, blossoming into a grin, at last, Jungkook finished his line. "from my boy."

The statement seemed to please the toddler. Immediately, he leapt forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook's neck. The Alpha laughed softly and childish butterflies danced in his belly, lullabied by Fai's giggles. He gave him a gentle kiss to his forehead and tenderly, he brushed his dark locks; a perfect resemblance of his. The bag of cookies that he held in his hand stole Fai's attention, again, for he heard them crunching. On cue, his eyes hungrily fell on the bag and yet, this time, he didn't reach for them; on the contrary, wittily, he faced Jungkook. It was almost as if he knew the Alpha would succumb to his pleading puppy eyes which, in fact, he did.

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