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WARNINGS: explicit mentions of torture, kidnapping, vague mentions of withdrawals. (This chapter is long gets kinda dark, but they aren't all like this, I swear.)

Also, emetophobia and trypanophobia warning!


6 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, that's how long it takes to break him. Now he bends at their will. Kills when they ask him to, no questions asked.

Anyone would, if they were tortured like him.


The first time they take a hammer to his ribs he screams, begs and pleads, sobs wracking his body as he shudders in his restraints.

For the first few weeks, he tasks himself with trying to find his way out, but it's just a concrete cell. No windows, one big steel door, a toilet and faucet in the far right corner. 

There's no bed, or blankets or pillows, just the cold, hard floor.

Everyone who enters comes in through that big steel door and most that enter obscure their face the whole time they're with him. 

He's chained to the middle of the back wall, slack in the chain only long enough to reach the toilet and back.

Or to reach the other corner, if he really wanted to, but there's a creepy-looking spider building her web over there and it gives him the chills.

He doesn't remember how he got here, only that he was asleep in his bed, then suddenly, he wasn't.

He asks questions they don't answer, like where am I? What do you want from me? Where are my friends, my dad, are they okay?

For every question he asks, he gets hit a little harder.

Not only do they not answer, but they don't ask any questions of their own, either, which Stiles thinks is kind of bullshit. If he's being held hostage he'd like to know why, if they are beating him for information, he'd like to know what exactly it is they're looking for.

How's he supposed to tell them anything if he doesn't know what they want him to tell?

That's not why they're hitting him, no.

Figuring out the why feels like an important step in escaping but he doesn't know where to start.

It feels like they are beating him into submission, except he doesn't know who he's supposed to be submitting to. He can't figure out for the life of him what submitting to them would even mean.

He doesn't speak, he gets whipped.

He speaks, he gets punched in the ribs.

He fights back, they pin him to the floor and pull his nails with pliers.

He doesn't fight back, they break his fucking jaw.

There's no winning, no escape, no reasoning with it. Just endless torture and abuse, maybe just for the fun of it, but that doesn't seem right.

The only thing keeping him going is knowing the pack must be looking for him, Scott especially -- and his dad would never give up. He doesn't think the FBI would send out a manhunt for one intern, but his pack surely would.

It doesn't take two weeks before he stops believing that, because hoping for rescue each day and not being dragged out in his father's arms by the end of the night just seems to make things hurt worse.

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