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Scott McCall stands before his pack, (and a certain Sheriff but it's his house they're standing in, and his son they're talking about, so he has every right to be here) hands trembling slightly as he tightens his hold on the folder of incriminating evidence in his hands.

He'd clued them in on the basics already, told them what his father had told him. He's been through all the files now, studied them religiously, and it's time to fill the pack in on all he knows.

They all stand there, crowded around him, all anxious and bouncing on their feet, too hot in the stuffy lounge room and too bitterly cold with dread.

"Okay," he starts, clearing his throat, "so the Mortel family has four main pillars, The Colonel, The Doctor and the two Soldiers, between them they have plenty of people working under them, but they aren't who we have to worry about."

The pack share glances between themselves, but otherwise remain silent, letting their leader inform them as well as he can.

The air in the room is thin, the tension thick, Noah fiddles with an empty mug in his hands silently at the back of the group — the urge to try shatter it in his hands increasing every second.

Scott opens the file, starts telling them what he knows.

"The Colonel's real name is Garrick Mortel, he's the only one in the family who inherited the surname by natural means and he's their leader, but there's not much incriminating evidence on him, and he rarely gets his hands dirty, so if they come to Beacon Hills he probably won't be with them."

"So he's like the benefactor, he pays other people to do his job for him?" Malia asks, her question sounds wrong to the room at large, like maybe Scott's about to sternly tell them all to leave their questions until the end, but it cuts through some of the tension.

She snaps in two the unspoken vow of silence everyone else was too conscious too break.

Scott does a so-so motion with his hands, "kind of, but it's usually just the two Soldiers and the people that work under them doing all the dirty work, it's not like he's handing money out to anyone willing to pick up a gun."

He sounds awkward as he talks, as if maybe he's unsure of his own words, or like he's trying to convince himself of the story he's telling as he goes.

Malia hums, but her face is still scrunched up a little in confusion.

"What about the Doctor?" Mason questions, "what does he do?"

"She," Scott intones, "is Adeline Mortel, previously Adeline Archer, and was abducted by the family when she was twenty three years old, and on her way to completing her doctorate in medicine. The Colonel refers to her as his sister and as far as the FBI can tell, she does exactly what the name suggests, she's like an in house surgeon."

"She doesn't sound too bad," Liam states with a shrug, then quickly, "compared to the other guy."

"She's also believed to be responsible for creating whatever cocktail of drugs they inject Stiles and all their other abductees with."

"Ah, well that makes her a little less not too bad," Mason swallows.

Malia scowls, "I'll inject my claws into her when I find her," because controlling your anger isn't the easiest when your only anchor is abducted and turned into a cold blooded killer.

Scott sighs, Lydia just shrugs, "its progress."

The words cut a little deeper than anyone would like.

Scott turns to another file in the folder.

"Their first successful soldier is Ricky Mortel, or Erick Stankiewicz, was taken from his family home in West London at the age of thirteen, and they've been training him in all sorts of combat since. He heals almost as fast as us and is recklessly destructive, with a kill count to prove it. The FBI have no idea why they picked him."

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