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it was currently 4:20 in the morning, a certain redhead was on the train to work. coffee in hand, headphones in and the other holding the rail.

it was his very first day of work, it was only part time but it was something. especially when he worked years for this moment.

taking the last sip of his coffee he stepped of the train, chucking the empty cup into the nearby bin. he began making his journey to his new workplace in the dark yet mild weather.

he had finally arrived. slowly pulling his coat sleeve up he looked at his watch, 4:57 am. he was just in time. pulling his headphones out, he gave his self a little pep talk i can do this.

"you're the new guy right?" he heard a voice say.

whipping his head round, he saw this women already in her nurse clothes, mask on.

"uh yeah, it's my first day" he replied, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"so i've heard. kirishima isn't it?" she said whilst slowly walking in.

"oh yes-that's me" he replied, following her in, shoving the headphones he was holding into his coat pocket.

"yeah, word goes around in the ward. well i better be off" she said whilst turning in the opposite direction.

slowly waving his hand, ah shit, i didn't ask for her name. well i suppose it's to late for that. time to get through the day.

bakugos pov

slowly blinking the sleep out of my eyes i woke up, slowly turning on my side i see why i woke up.

"hey bakugo, you alright?"

rubbing my eyes a bit more, i replied "yeah i'm good, here for rounds right?"

"you know it!"

as i felt one of the nurses slowly lift my arm up to check my blood pressure i looked to the doorway and saw someone i hadn't seen before.

feeling the band around my arm tighten i look back to my regular nurse "whose that?"

"oh, that's the new guy! he's gonna be a new nurse around here" slowly opening my mouth so she can put this weird stick under my tongue, she replied "he's gonna be your new regular alright? his name is kirishima. he knows your meal plan to."

kirishimas pov

"alright kirishima, this is your new patient, bakugo katsuki" reading down his file, i couldn't help but feel sorry for this kid, i mean cmon, 19? that's way to young to be dealing with all this.

"as seen on the file, he's currently in recovery for anorexia nervosa, his meal plan is on this page" seeing her flick to a couple pages ahead, she continued

"you must right down if it is a refused meal or not, just in case we need to give him a feeding tube again"

nodding my head i asked "does he have any medications?"

"oh right, he does, but you must supervise him when he takes them"'

nodding my head again "thank you, anything else i should know about?"

"not that im aware of" seeing her slowly think "oh! how could i forget, he likes colouring in a lot so we always bring him in some pens and pages for him to complete throughout the day"

"thank you, i'll keep that in mind" i responded smiling.

"that's fine, good luck"

i was now currently standing in the door way, waiting for the other nurse to complete his vitals.
inside i was so happy, i mean who wouldn't be? this is my first ever patient.

seeing the other nurse introduce me, i took that as an invite to introduce myself. "hey buddy! i'm kirishima like camie said. i hope we can be great friends" smiling at him i walked to his arm to take of the strap which takes his blood pressure "yeah yeah whatever, you already know my name"

having a straight face i felt so bad for his kid. his arm was filled with old scars, some being red, but most being a white. "glad we're friends already, i'll bring you these so called colouring pages you like in a few!"  looking back towards him i could see him blush out of embarrassment "tch fine.."

"so bakugo, what's for breakfast today huh? your usual, jam on toast?" seeing camie ask bakugo whilst giving him a menu, i decided it was my cue to take the trolley for vitals out.

i really want to help this kid.

recovery is hard ‣ kiribakuWhere stories live. Discover now