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July 21st

Dream and George had been meeting actively for the past week, Their friendship was tight and an incredibly special bond began to form between them.

Every day without fail, they'd meet beneath the willow tree and begin their adventure from there, some nights they'd stay beneath the tree, just speaking, with Georges head resting upon Dreams shoulder. 0300 on the dot, just spending their time together

The Willow tree had grown to be special to them both, it was their place to be, a safe place.

Once again they were sat beneath the large tree, surrounded by the gentle, swaying leaves with a cold breeze brushing over their red faces every so often.
It was 0400 at this point, they'd been within each-others presence for around an hour now.

The two had began playing rock paper scissors out of pure boredom.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Dream yelled
Dream did paper
whilst george chose rock.
"Right- who on earth says shoot after, besides i would've won if you didn't say that" George rolled his eyes, crossing his arms
They both sat, legs crossed facing eachother.
George playfully pushed dream, being the sore loser that he was, a cold shiver took over Dream, catching him off guard.

"You're always so cold, you need to wear a hoodie or something. Not that T shirt every night." Dream chuckled, pointing out the fact George had wore the same outfit every night. A pink T shirt, grey sweatpants.

George didn't reply, he simply looked away, anxiously biting at the cracked skin on his bottom lip.

"Dream" George said after his moment of silence
"Hm?" Dream looked up from the strand of grass he was playing with between his fingers.
"What do you do for a job?" George asked

Dream seemed as if he was thinking, possibly wondering if he should be honest about his career, the awkward silence was thankfully filled by the brushing of the willow leaves against the whistling wind, the sound of ducks in the distance jumping between the pond and land.

"I- Well, have you ever heard of Twitch and Youtube?" Dream smiled, yet the fact he was fiddling with his fingers and bouncing his leg showed he was anxious due to this confession.

Georges eyes widened, he seemed as if he was going to say something yet hesitated.

"I'll take that as a no- i basically make videos online and stream and make money i guess? As well as having a pretty stable fanbase which is cool" Dream smiled

"Sounds..." George retorted, sighing "Fun"

"What's up George?" Dream placed a comforting hand on Georges cold shoulder.
"oh, nothing. Just disappointed that i don't understand all this new technology stuff, makes me feel old" George chuckled, wiping his eye before letting them rest comfortably on his lap.

"Guess i could call you a boomer then" Dream smirked, meeting Georges eyes
"A what now"
"My point exactly"
the two once again burst into laughter.


it was near the time that the sun had began to rise once again they headed off into their own directions.

Dream offered for George to come to his home, yet George politely declined as he did every night.

George was a peculiar character
Beautiful and charming
his eyes the deepest brown, resembling the trunk of the willow.
Whilst his jawline was sharp, like it could cut Dream up.
His nutmeg brown hair, ever so neatly pushed to the side.
His pretty pink lips that dream sometimes found him self wondering what they'd be like to kiss.
However his skin was pale, lighter than porcelain.

Dream found him intriguing
A nice guy
George was a wonderful person, a lovely guy if honest.
But Dream didn't know everything.

[625 words]
i love this story so much :]

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