Midnight and Blitz's past

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*Arceus was in a war for a while and mad a child that could stop that and she did but after that he had to give her another life so she went her to a normal family so Midnight hatches but was coloured black instead brown even though she was already alive she turned into an egg*

Midnight: huh?

Doc: somethings wrong with this eevee

Glaceon: oh what's her problem?

Doc: well she's berzerk, has a turbo mode, is very powerful and a shadow eevee

Flareon: oh...

Glaceon: what should we do?

Doc: just make sure she is calm and doesn't have any anger in her ok

Glaceon and Flareon: ok

*a few days later*

Midnight: mom

Glaceon: yes dear?

Midnight: can I go to the garden?

Glaceon: yes

Midnight: thwank you mom *goes to the garden and looks at the flowers the flareon made* pretty

*but then a nidoqueen and nidoking appeared and attacked the glaceon and flareon but Midnight didn't realised but then enters the living room and sees the glaceon and flareon on the floor*

Midnight: m-mom? d-dad?

Glaceon: take the egg and run

Midnight: b-but

Flareon: do what your mother said

Midnight: o-ok *grabs the egg* bye m-mom bye d-dad *and runs out of the house*

*a few years later the egg hatched and they lived in a cave for a while and the eevee was called Blitz and she hatched a month after Midnight left her parents*

Blitz: sis are you going out now?

Midnight: yeah 

Blitz: keep safe

Midnight: you to bye

Blitz: bye bye

Midnight: *heads to the town and starts to do her rescue base work*

*with Blitz*

Blitz: hmm maybe I should ask sis to bring me to the town *sighs* maybe I should head around to find some berries for sis and me *heads out to find some berries and spots some pokemon*

Blitz: h-huh? *grabs the berries* what the? w-who are t-those p-pokemon?

Riolu: dad I think I heard a pokemon in the bushes

Lucario: ok son stay near me

Riolu: ok dad *goes behind the Lucario*

Blitz: *just stays still for a bit then runs away back to the cave* *pants* sis!!!

*Midnight came back to the cave when Blitz just arrived back*

Blitz: SIS!!!

Midnight: huh? sis are you ok?

Blitz: *goes and hugs Midnight* I h-heard s-some p-pokemon w-when I-I w-went o-out t-to g-get s-some berries

Midnight: oh ok then stay in the cave for a bit then. oh yeah I bought some stones for you to choose from

Blitz: really? thank you *hugs more*

Midnight: no problem sis now which one do you want *hands over a fire and leaf stone* sorry I couldn't buy anymore

Blitz: Its ok I wanted to evolve into a flareon anyway *touches the fire stone and glows and turns into a flareon* sis you have the leaf stone

Midnight: ok *touches the leaf stone and evolves into a Leafeon* wow we look great

Blitz: yeah

To Be continued

(ok I made another one on the same day because I was bored so I made another oneanyway I hope you enjoyed it and liked anyway bye bye have a great time)

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