Vacation time!!!

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Dawn: hmm guys I thinking that we should go on a vacation!

Ace: that sounds fun so where do you guys wanna go?

Sweet and Grace: LETS GO TO KANTO

Midnight: is that a good idea?

Ace: well why not lets go

Jet: alrighty then dude I will have to wake you up if you don't wake up yourself *gins*

Ace: no need Jet I will wake up

Dusk: lets go and pack then...

Dawn: (maybe I could use that time in Kanto to spend time with Dusk) ok then lets go to our rooms and start packing

*they all ran to their rooms and grabbed their stuff that they needed and started to head to the dock to catch there ship*

Gem: da- big brother

Ace: yes?

Gem: can I play with Light when we are on the ship?

Ace: yeah just be careful and try and stay near use as much as possible

Dawn: oh yeah we are going to stay with my mom and dad they both live in Kanto

Everyone but Dawn: ok 

*a few minutes later the ship came and they hopped on and it headed off to Kanto*

Light: catch me if you can!

Gem: I will get you! *trips over and falls over on top of Light*

Light: ouch! Gem- *blushes* c-can y-y-you g-get o-of m-me

Gem: sorry

Light: Its ok Gem

Gem: *touches Light* your it now

Light: hey!

*a few hours later they arrived at the docks in Kanto and saw two eeveelutions*

Dawn: mom dad where over here *as she waves*

Grace: *looks at the Jolteon and Vaporeon come over* hey mom dad

Jolteon: hello you two how you been doing?

Dawn: good dad

Vaporeon: that's good news to hear *looks at Dawns friends* hello my name is Ocean

Jolteon: my name is Bolt

Everyone but Dawn, Grace and Midnight: hello

Ace: my name is Ace

Blitz: my name is Blitz

Jet: my name is Jet

Dusk: the names Dusk

Sweet: my name is Sweet *and smiles cutely just for attention from Ace*

Gem: m-my n-name i-is G-Gem

Light: my name is Light

Midnight: *sighs* call me Shadow

Bolt: they are lovely names

*everyone but Bolt, Ocean and Midnight was confused on the name Shadow*

Dawn: but I thought your name is-

Midnight: *sighs* just call me Shadow

Sweet: I am getting confused

Midnight: come with me

*everyone followed Midnight but Bolt and Ocean*

Midnight: I have been in Kanto and a lot of pokemon here hate me for what I did so I am using the name Shadow if they know my name they will kick me out because I accidentally lit the place in flames

everyone but Midnight: oh wait what!

Midnight: doesn't matter *goes back to the pair of eeveelutions*

*everyone went back to the pair of eeveelutions*

Ocean: now lets go to our house

Dawn: ok

*they all walked to the eeveelutions house*

Bolt: here it is

Gem: its huge! *eyes sparkle*

Ocean: thank you

Bolt: guys we don't have enough rooms so we will have to share rooms and so I will tell you which rooms you guys will stay in

Bolt: ok the boys will go into middle floor on the left, girls will go into the middle floor on the right and me and Ocean will stay in the top floor in the middle ok

Everyone but Bolt: alright

Bolt: anyway I will prepare dinner ok

Ocean: I will help

Ace: me to

Midnight: yeah

Bolt: ok you guys help and the rest you can adventure about the house if you would like

Everyone but Bolt: ok

*an hour later they had there food*

Light: that was great

Gem: yeah :3

Grace: *whispers to Sweet* hey wanna sneak into the boys room tonight?

Sweet: *whispers to Grace* yeah hehe

*everyone starts to walks to their room*

Grace: ready?

Sweet: yeah, lets go!

*everyone was confused on what Grace and Sweet ment by that but Dawn followed them as she wanted to know what they where doing and then she saw what happened she used this as her addvantage and cuddled up with Dusk*

To be continued

(Hope you like this and enjoyed it I hope you comment because I don't mind at all what you say I just want to make sure you are ok with this anyway bye)

The Legendary Hero x The Lighting Bolt *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now