Chapter 9

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"Say it!' Admit I was right!" Owen gestured to the spotless kitchen whilst pointing a fish slice covered in pancake batter at Curt and throwing his blindfold down on the counter.
"Careful with that, you might prove yourself wrong at the last minute."
"Oh, you wish."
"Okay, fine. I will admit it. That was pretty impressive. Can we just eat now?"
"Yes. Don't want the pancakes I made with my eyes closed to get cold."
"I'm never living this one down, am I?"
"Would I have been able to live it down if I had been wrong?"
"Well played, Carvour."
"I know."
Curt shook his head laughing and the two walked over to the living room, switching the TV on.
"So, what do you want to do today? We shouldn't waste our entire fortnight off work just watching TV."
"Who says that's a waste of time?"
"Well, some people who still think you're dead probably would."
Owen tensed up, "I'm just nervous to see everyone. They all know what I did. And they've all been to my funeral."
"I know, and you only have to when you're ready, but-"
"Keeping them in the dark is kind of cruel."
"A little."
"Okay, text everyone and let's meet at the bar later."
"You sure about this?"
"Yes. Oh, and would it be really cruel not to tell them about me before we get there? I mean, it would, but it would also be kind of a cool way to make a dramatic entrance."
"I would shake my head and laugh in disbelief right now if that wasn't the most normal thing I've heard in these past few days."
"They're going to kill me, aren't they?"
"They without a doubt would if you hadn't just come back after the first time that happened. Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you; Cynthia has a wife now."
"What?" Owen's eyes widened, beckoning for Curt to tell him more.
"Her name is Felicity. They got married about six months ago. Cynthia met her during the whole singing alien thing. Liss saved her from getting killed. Oh, and she plays guitar."
"Right, I already love her. And what about Tati and Barb?"
"I'll let them explain that one to you. To put it simply, they're together, but there's a bit more to it than that. Not really my place to give you the details."

After Owen spent the day trying to prepare himself emotionally to see his friends again and Curt spent it pretending he was okay in order to be there for Owen, they found themselves walking into a bar Owen hadn't seen in a long time. This was where they had always come when they had news. Or when they just wanted to get drunk. The two often coincided.
"How do you feel?" Curt looked at Owen.
"Not bad. Not great, but not bad."
"You'll be okay, don't worry."
"Will you? If I'm remembering correctly you said you spent three years in bars after I..."
Curt took in a sharp breath, "Yes. I'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Let's get in before they get here. Sort of ruins the dramatic entrance if we don't."
The two sat in a booth in a corner, Curt on the outside so that Owen wouldn't be immediately noticeable.
A few minutes later, they saw Tatiana walking in with Barb, followed by Cynthia and Felicity. They were all smiling until they approached the booth and Owen stood up.
"What the fuck is happening?" Cynthia was the first to speak.
"Sit and I'll try my best to explain."
"Owen, how the hell are you here?" Tatiana wiped a tear from her eye as she sat.
"I thought you..." Barb stared at him wide-eyed.
Felicity looked at Cynthia. "Wait, this is Owen? Didn't he-"
"He died four years ago."
"Yes. I did, in a manner of speaking. But, for the last few years I've been living in the black and white."
Owen explained his deal with Wiggly and how he got out and, not that he'd admit it, quite enjoyed how dramatic he got to make the story.
"Wait, wait, wait," Cynthia looked at him, "You've been back three days and you're only now-"
"Yes. And I'm sorry. But it's really bloody scary being back here after all this time. Plus, I needed some time with Curt."
"I still just can't believe you're really here." Barb was tightly clinging to Tatiana's hand.
"Neither can I. God, it's so good to see all of you."
They talked for a few more minutes before Tatiana and Owen went to the bar to get drinks. Non-alcoholic for Curt, of course.
"So, Curt told me you and Barb finally got together. But he said it wasn't his place to give me the full story?"
"Ah, yes. Okay, how do I explain this? Basically, Barb admitted she liked me and it was a little awkward at first."
"How come?"
"I had just realised I was aroace."
"Oh. I'm confused."
Tatiana laughed, "Even though I'm aroace, I still love her. And not just as a friend. Maybe not romantically, but that doesn't mean I love her any less."
"Okay, cool. Well, I'm happy for you two."
"Thank you. And what about you and Curt?"
Owen sighed, "It's hard. A lot has happened. But we're getting there. It'll be a while before we're anywhere close to where we were, but we're working on it."
"It's just so surreal that you're back. It's like we spent all this time trying to accept that you were gone and when it just about made sense in my head it wasn't true anymore. But I'm glad it's not."
"Me too. It feels so good to be back here with all of you."
"We should probably get back with the drinks."
They walked back over and the six of them stayed there for hours just talking about the past four years. Soon enough, Owen was caught up on everything important that had happened. Cynthia and Felicity's engagement and wedding had been re-enacted, Barb and Tatiana went over their story again so they could have a chance to tell it together and by the end of the night, Owen was starting to feel normal again. Despite the last four years, he slotted right back into their little group easily. Almost as though he had never really been gone. Or the others had just never accepted it.
But like Tatiana had said, they no longer needed to.


(A/N: Yes, I headcannon Tati as aroace and think she and Barb are in a QPR. And yes, I think Cynthia's a lesbian and has a wife called Felicity. I don't really know why that's her name but it is.)

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