Chapter 11

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"Curt, what the hell is this?" Owen's eyes blazed as he held up something small and silver.
Curt remembered he had re-hidden that underneath a cushion on the couch the last night he slept there. He had intended to move it again before it was Owen's turn to take the couch, but he guessed he had forgotten.
He just stood for a second, expressionless as he stared at Owen. They had gotten back from the black and white just over a week ago now and they had both been adjusting relatively well. Of course, it was still bizarre for them, but they were getting closer and closer to normal every day.
Curt swallowed the bitter taste of regret in his mouth as he saw Owen raise an eyebrow.
"Curt, for the love of God, please tell me somebody broke into the flat and hid this under the couch cushion. Please tell me that is what happened." Tears burned Owen's eyelids as he blinked.
"I'm so sorry," Curt breathed as he grabbed a jacket and bolted toward the front door.
"No." Owen grabbed his arm, "You're not leaving here. Not until I've got the truth."
Curt surrendered easily when he saw the pain ignite in Owen's eyes. He shook his arm free and sat on the couch, running his hands through his hair.
"How long?" Owen asked, slightly softer.
"Since you got back." Curt said in a loud whisper.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Curt just responded by sighing and staring at the floor.
"Curt, look at me."
He kept his gaze locked to the wooden floor.
"I said look at me." He let this come out a little more forcefully, but still tried to be gentle.
Curt slowly turned his head to reveal his face was soaked by tears.
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
"You have enough to worry about, I didn't want to add to that." Curt's voice was still quiet.
"You've clearly been dealing with your own stuff but you've still been able to help me."
"It's not the same." Curt responded, stubbornly.
"How so?"
"Because you haven't just disappointed all of your friends and family by making a stupid mistake, then repeated said mistake because you're upset about disappointing everyone."
"Curt, you've not disappointed anyone. All that any of us wants it to help you."
"I'm not so sure that's possible."
"Of course it is. But not if you keep hiding and keeping things to yourself all the time."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't've kept-"
"No, hey, don't apologise. It's okay. Just don't keep on trying to deal with this by yourself when you know I want to help, okay?"
"Now, why don't you go and get dressed and we can go out today. Whatever you want to do. We don't have much time left before we're back at work."
"Could we go shopping?" A smile played along Curt's lips.
"I was hoping you'd suggest that." Owen grinned before the two got dressed and went out for the day.

"Curt, you did not need to buy two bloody build-a-bears. You are in your late twenties." Owen could barely breathe through the laughter as unlocked their front door.
"Well, I don't see what the problem is. Is it that you're not ready to be a father? Because I will take full responsibility for Rainbow and Sparkles. I'm sure they'll be no trouble."
The two fell into the couch, still bursting into random fits of laughter.
"No, it's because you lied and said they were birthday presents for our daughters Lizzie and Jen who are both turning four in a week."
"So I had to get a little creative."
Owen just stared at Curt in disbelief as he laughed.
"And I really don't think you needed the Nirvana, Green Day and Fall Out Boy t-shirts."
"Oh, you're comparing a few band t-shirts to a grown man buying two build-a-bears?"
"Whose was cheaper?"
Owen paused, trying unsuccessfully to think of a retort. "Well played, Mega."
"Thank you, father of my children."
"Yeah, thanks for the warning."
"About Rainbow and Sparkles or Lizzie and Jen?"
"You are aware Lizzie and Jen aren't real, right?"
"Well, I'd be a pretty crappy dad. We were out shopping when we should have been picking them up from school."
"Oh my lord, why don't we have dinner before you start creating our hypothetical children's entire personalities." Owen approached the kitchen.
"Hadn't even thought of that."
Owen groaned as he spun back, "Don't even think about it."
Curt held his hands up, "You brought it up!"
"Anyway, you want pizza?" Owen held up a box.
"Sounds good."


(Okay so I had a bit of fun with the ending, I've been pretty anxious recently and I realised writing a lot of angst was making it much much worse so I just wanted to take a break and write some fluff.)

Black And White Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon