12 Years Later/ Chapter 1

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"Red doesn't forget to come home early to start dinner" Red grimly looked up at her new caretaker and nodded. "Don't give me that look you damned child!!!" she flinched and kept walking out the door on the way to the education hall.

On the way, red was thinking to herself "What even is the cryptids reason for this. When are we gonna stop taking orders from them and revolt back? What am I thinking, we can't afford another loss. They could manage to murder all of us in less than a heartbeat. Unless we got the most powerful group of people. The most fearless people in the world. We could pull this off."

"Hey red!" Red snapped out of her daydreaming to turn in the direction of the voice. It was a girl with dark blue hair; Compared to RedBird's pale skin and light brown hair, the girls looked like opposites when they stood next to each other. "Hi Luna," Red said, showing a bit of a smile. Luna has been red's friend even before the attack, she was her last bit of "home".

"So I was thinking; about Redland '' Luna looked over. "Red I know that version of Cryptonia was very close to you, but it's gone." Red lowered her head and whispered "Not unless we do something about it", "Red? What do you mean?"

"I mean that if we get the most powerful people to take on the cryptid, we could get RedLand back" Luna's eyes darkened "I know you've always been courageous and adventurous but that is way harder than it sounds." Red looked up "How so?" They both entered the building and sat down at the dining hall. Luna looked over to red. "First off you'll have to gather the most powerful group of people to help you defeat the cryptid. That in itself is crazy. Second of all, you didn't even consider how people could deny you while you're asking. They won't help you unless you have something to offer. Lastly, going out of the border is dangerous, you could get yourself seriously hurt", "Hah! I won't get hurt if you're with me" Luna's eyes sharpened "Red, I'm being serious" Red shrugged her shoulders ''So am I. You didn't seem to consider that" "Maybe I didn't, but I did take into consideration how unplanned you are'' Red looked away "Luna. It was just an idea. You don't need to go crushing my dreams'' Luna let out a deep sigh, "I said it would be way harder than it sounded, not impossible" Red's eyes lit up, "does this mean you'll join me?" "Yes but we'll plan, and if it sounds undoable then no'' Red jumped onto luna with a big hug "Thank you, Luna!"

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