Chapter 2

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After the girls were let out from the education hall; they quickly rushed back to Luna's house for a place to plan. Red looked over to Luna "why are we using your house?" "Because when I get home my parents are always gone, and my little brother is at daycare. Plus, I didn't think your mother would be very happy if you brought someone home."

RedBird nods her head and sits down. "Yesterday while thinking about this I happened to buy a map from the town vendor" They spread the map across the table and started to plan; "I'm guessing your goal is to go to the Wizards watchtower and recruit Galeron" Red nods her head, and Luna looks over to the map placed in front of her. "It would be smartest to go through the forest and river first, even though it's longer I'd doubt you'd want to pass the cryptids hideout and have to face it head-on. Plus I've heard in legends that the Mystic River may have healing properties" Red looks over to her friend "Luna did you consider that those could be only legends and not real", "Yes I, in fact, did. And that is why even if we get hurt and can't heal up, we could head to the out-" red jumps up and interrupts Luna. "THE OUTLANDS!" "I was going to say the outcasts campsite, but tell me what the outlands is"

Red's eyes light up, " a couple of years ago I was in town I met this absolutely amazing person named Flight. She gave me food and treasures that I still have and admire to this day" Luna rolls her eyes "How does that have anything to do with the outlands? "Well Flight is the owner of the outlands and she said anytime I needed help I could go there" Red smiled while pointing to the very left side of the map

"I was thinking we could go to the outcast campsite owned by Sabeana. There are farms, tents, cabins, a food hall, and an infirmary" Luna pointed a bit to the right of where Red was pointing. "Right here" Red looked up to Luna "how about after we are on the mission we can decide which to go to" Luna nods and starts speaking " after that, we'll head to the Wizards tower to recruit Galeron and then defeat the cryptid." "Sounds like a plan to me, except for one part," Red said as she turned to Luna "How are we gonna sneak out with the level of security" Luna smirked "If we dressed up as travelling traders we would leave very easily with all of the supplies we need." Red's face lit up "That doesn't seem too hard"

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