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(mentions of sex, drinking, and who knows what else. They're all 22 now.)

Mitsuki POV

Never should've fallen for Boruto. He broke up with me for Sarada. Not surprised, just hurt. Anyways, I'm buying some alcohol because Shikamaru is making me take the day off. I may have been drowning myself in missions... But that's what you do as an ANBU. 

I hand the cashier my ID and pay. Walking out, I catch Shikadai's eye. He looked confused but I just kept walking. Inojin walks up to me, asking, "Hey, what are you doing with all that? You don't usually drink." "I'm going to try to forget about the existence of two certain jounin tonight." "Who hurt you?" Shikadai asked, amusement in his tone. "You shouldn't go poking your head into shit you don't want to find out about, Shikadai Nara." I snarled. And with that, I went home.

(later that night, around 10 pm)

I opened the first bottle, taking a sip. The taste was interesting, but I kept drinking. 

About halfway through the bottle, someone knocked on my door. I answered, annoyed as hell. Shikadai stood there, looking concerned. "Are you okay? You've never drank before, and you seemed really mad earlier." I took a drink and said, "What's it to you?" "Mitsuki... What happened?" "Come in and I'll explain." I muttered, walking back to my living room. He followed quietly. "So what happened?" "Boruto broke up with me for Sarada." (we don't hate on Sarada here, this is just plot convenience.) Before I could sit down against the wall, Shikadai wrapped his arms around me. "He didn't deserve you anyways." 

Around an hour later, we're both drunk as hell. We're sitting right next to each other, getting rather touchy. I set my drink aside, kissing Shikadai. Suddenly he's on top of me, kissing me roughly. We make out for awhile before we're taking off each other's clothes. It was getting awfully heated between us. Neither of us being sober and in our right mind, we actually fucked. 

(the next morning) 

I grumbled as I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I'm confused as hell when I saw the alcohol bottles and... Whose clothes are those?! Alarmed, I grabbed my kunai. I snuck out to my living room, watching for any signs of someone else having been in my house. The shoes by the door threw me off. "What the hell...?" I whipped around to see Shikadai standing in my bedroom door. "Something wrong?" "Why are you here?" I asked, a bit afraid. "Don't remember? You were drinking last night. I was worried about you." "And you're still here?" I asked, doubtfully. "I don't know why I'm still here. Why are you naked?" My face went blank as I finally looked down. He handed me a blanket, visibly amused. 

I was pulling on my ANBU outfit, not sure if I had a mission today or not. Just as I reached for my mask, Shikadai stopped my hand. "No. You're taking the day off, especially after how many missions you've taken this month." I looked up at him, "Shikadai, this is exactly what I signed up for when I decided to become an ANBU. I knew I'd be taking multiple missions per day. This is my job." He grabbed my mask and said, "You still need to take a break. I'm not going to let you get another mission." 

My eyes narrowed at his words. He assumed a fighting stance. I kicked his gut, attempting to grab my mask, but he grabbed my foot. I fell flat on the floor as he twisted me around. I struggled against his hands that held me down. Two clones appeared around me. I managed to flip over and push Shikadai off and jumped up. Immediately, one clone grabbed me and threw me on my bed while the other held me down. They could tell exactly what I was going to do next, so I stopped fighting back. Shikadai sat behind me, cradling my head in his lap. "You're not going anywhere, Mitsuki. I'm going to make you take the day off." "And if I continue to fight back?" "I have a plan in mind for that. Not that I'd tell you it anyways." 

I sighed, finally surrendering to him. Through my annoyance and extremely angered thought process, I felt Shikadai running his hands through my hair. It was calming. Despite the unhappy demeanor I had, I smiled. His hands were soft and warm. I felt comfortable and safe as he slowly moved his fingers through my hair. Sleepiness overtook me and I started to drift off. Yawning, I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

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