And I Miss My Loverman

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Nobody had seen Shikadai in months. Now, this destroyed Mitsuki. He became depressed and even suicidal at the sudden loss of his lover. To everyone else, he seemed empty and distant.

Mitsuki would stare into the sky for hours, watching the moon rise. Wearing Shikadai's old sweaters became an everyday thing. Mitsuki was so afraid of him being gone forever that he held onto every little piece of Shikadai he could. Sweaters, kunai, books, games, everything.

Finally, the news came. Shikadai had run away and been killed while running. His motive for leaving was unknown so far. The killer was also unknown.

When Mitsuki found out... Well, I'll just say he tried to go join Shikadai.

Mitsuki was broken by the news.

He cut his hair, his arms, and his legs before Boruto finally forced his front door open. That led to a screaming match of great volumes.

The yelling carried on late into the night until Boruto knocked over a framed picture of Shikadai.

The glass shattered as it hit the floor. It shattered just like Mitsuki's heart. Tons of razor sharp pieces, often broken in pain, anger, and fear.

Boruto backed away, apologizing as Mitsuki held the pieces. The photo had been ripped when Boruto tried to help clean up the glass.

After months of holding back, Mitsuki burst into tears. His body shook as he sobbed. He held the ripped picture of Shikadai to his chest. Tears dripped off his chin, landing gently on the glass shards that lay scattered on the black carpet.

Mitsuki's arms burned with pain, his head hurt, he was bleeding out as Sarada ran into the room to help Boruto.

It was too late though. In a matter of minutes, Mitsuki bled out. He died holding onto the last pieces of his lover.

The last words he said were "I miss my Loverman..."

A painful, slow death. But now he's with Shikadai. Together, they rule Hell. A match made in Heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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