Levi Ackerman

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You were ready to give up on life. You became depressed because of how lonely you were, and you were picky with who you would communicate with. 

The person you wanted to talk with the most was none other then Captain Levi. You had a massive crush on him. you spent half your days talking to cadets, but avoided when them whenever you possibly could.

You  mainly talked to Levi *most* of the time  when it was time to eat meals. or when he needed you in his office,  Hanji , being the friendly person that she is, always invited you over to eat at the table she sat at. Hanji talked to you sometimes, despite you not  the most social cadet.. sure you engaged here and there.
but even that still wasn't enough , it was like the more you communicated the more lonely you were.. 

 You decided that you would force yourself to talk to the others more, Mainly Levi. you thought about what was going to happen. ''Am i going to be a stuttering mess?'' ''what if i embarrass myself?..'' ''this is a bad idea'' ''No you can do this!'' you were practically just a thinking mess.

''Cadet'' you hear a sudden knocking on the door, you dont answer back, because well your trapped in your thoughts, his voice...it almost reminded you of thunder.. ''Cadet.'' you snap out of your thoughts. ''oh uh, one second sir!'' you quickly jolt to your door. only to reveal a moody looking levi. ''its almost dinner, dont be late, your getting slim.''  ''mhm..okay..''

finally.. that dreadful time of the day, the time  you would try to start a proper conversation with the other cadets.  However, only the thought of this made you nervous. You tried to ignore it the feeling as you head to the table you normally sit at, you were sitting in the cafeteria. your anxiety had started kicking in. the other cadets were laughing and having some rather interesting..conversations, You tried to engage. but only failed each time. you were just to shy.

"Um, Hanji?" you said, almost whispering.

"oh hey y/n whats up?" she said, looking at you with bright cheery eyes.

''uhm.. When do you think the titans will attack next?''

"I don't  know," she said, but then she started to talk about titans, and talk with the others. like you weren't there..  you almost felt invisible.. 

You felt your face heat up, and anxiety hit you hard. ''Don't cry'', you thought to yourself. ''Don't you dare cry.''  You began to scratch your arm with your sharp nails, this was one of the many ways you self harmed. it was the only thing that would distract you. It helped a little, but it wasn't and never going to be enough. Tears filled  your eyes, blurring your vision. You got up quietly not wanting to be seen,  and made your way to your room. so you could cry without anyone seeing, looking down to hide your red face.

You avoided everyone as best as you could without being seen as  suspicious for the rest of the day.  The next day at lunch, you sat down and waited for Hanji to start up a conversation like she usually would. you had a annoyed expression on your face. ''Seriously? ..'' When she started saying something about titans. you angrily but unnoticeably storm out the cafeteria.

you reach your room. "UGH!!," you whispered yelled. You tried to scream your feelings out loud, but all you could do was whisper. because you know someone would come to check on you.

  you probably were never going to be able to start a casual conversation with anyone anyways. your plan to start up a conversation failed. You began thinking about how you were going to commit suicide.

When it was time for dinner that same day, it was time to put your plan into action.  like usual, you started ''eating'' your food. you were just going to throw it up anyways. but while no one was paying attention, you slipped the knife into the sleeve of your shirt. You then excused yourself and left the cafeteria. leaving a confused look on the other cadets faces.

Once you entered your room, you closed and locked the door. You were a little nervous, but you began to think of the suffering you constantly went through. Loneliness, anxiety, depression. You thought of the fact that you'll ''Never'' be happy. You gripped the knife, raised it, and stabbed it into your stomach, you ground in pain, you start to taste this metallic liquid in your mouth. it was blood,  You then suddenly pulled the knife out of you, you looked down to see your white shirt soaked with red. you thought the more you stabbed, the quicker everything would be over. you then aggressively stab knife into your stomach a second time. You groaned and hissed louder this time, you yank the knife out almost as fast as you stabbed it in. causing you to collapse on your side.  You gently set the knife down, laying there. You were starting to get dizzy, you ended up closing your eyes, and waited for it to be over.

You then heard a knock at the door. Your eyes remained shut, A few seconds later, you heard whoever was out there try to turn the doorknob while knocking, the knocking stopped for a bit. Then the person knocked again.

"[L/N], you in there?"  yelled Levi, you instantly knew who's voice that was. 

"I'm coming in!" Levi yelled, and kicked down the door.

You didn't really flinch as the door swung open, you really just ignored it. 

"What the fuck did you do?!" Levi exclaimed. He knelt down in front of you, 

"mm~ i..-*cough*" you said weakly. coughing up blood. Tears began to form in your eyes.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it tightly around your waist. Then he carried you bridal style.

"Give her  medical attention immediately!!" he yelled at one of the doctors. The doctor lead him over to a gurney, where he placed you., then called orders to some of the other doctors, and they got to work.

Time skip brought to you by Levi's height!! ^v^

You woke up in a gurney in one of the rooms of the infirmary. You looked around, finding the doctor looking at you.

"Hi," he said. You just stared at him blank showing no emotion whatsoever.

"You lost a lot of blood, so you're going to have to stay here for some time so you can recover.," he said. You slightly nodded and he walked out of the room.

You sighed. Now what am I going to do?  you thought. You didn't really know what to expect they were going to do with you now. you just decided to wait for fate to approach.

About6 minutes , you heard footsteps coming down the hall of your room. You thought was a doctor, but it turned out to be Captain Levi.

"Why the hell would you do that to your damn self!! are you an idiot!!?" he asked.

You looked away from him.

"It wasn't a question, thats an order for you to tell me." he said.

You took a deep, shaky breath. "Fine..."

You picked up the notepad and pen that were on the table next to you, and began nervously saying how you felt..

I was depressed. I was lonely to the point where I was barely able to function. You said "I don't fucking know"  I didn't want to try to talk to anyone else but i tried to speak up! only to be ignored..as always..it almost felt like i'm invisible., i think its because I don't really feel like I can connect to them well. And plus, I I realized that I would not be able to overcome my loneliness. Therefore, I came to a conclusion that i wouldn't be able to overcome my depression .I didn't want to suffer any longer.

 "I'm sorry," he said quietly. ''Why didn't you speak to me or someonee about how you where feeling?...'' he choked on his words, trying to hold back the tears. ''p-please never do that again.. i've lost to many people..''

You nodded, and started to cry,  Levi walked to the side of your bed, sat down, and hugged you. You hugged him back.

"I'll make sure you're not lonely," he said.

"Thank you," you said shyly, hugging him a little tighter. You continued to hug in silence for about ten seconds before you said something else. "

"Thank you," you quietly said once again.

He hugged you a little tighter. "You're never alone as long as I'm here. you'll be safe in my arms..i love you [Y/N]"

''...i love you too.. Levi''

Hiii!~ Note from author chan 

• Thank you all for the support sorry i take so long its so hard to write these because of school, i dont really have any free time!! but guess what!! its my birthday! so by next sunday, ill have 2 new characters added!! thank you for reading! love you guys :D

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