Chapter 3

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   On the walk back to my apartment I noticed a strange man keeping his head down and wearing a black hoodie. He wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just acting strange. I got a brief glimpse of his face. He had light blue hair, pail skin, and he was picking at something on his neck. I kept my eye on him for as long as I could. He wasn't doing anything wrong though. I just wanted to make myself aware of him.
   I was about half way home when I thought I heard a crash and car alarms going on. I quickly ran over to see what was happening. It was a small group of low level thugs running from a small convenience store hauling bags of cash. When I got closer I made sure to run my hand across the grass while I activated my quirk, I called out to them to catch them off guard. They all looked over and saw a large rope of grass starting to barrel towards them, they tried to cut it but it kept forming back together, I had knocked out both of the guys in the bed of the truck, and started to tie up the rest of them. It was a quick and easy job, I heard people applauding me from across the street as I gathered all of them into a pile and made sure to wrap them together that way if one wanted to move all of them would have to.  The police showed up shortly after to collect them.
   After I was finished I walked back to my apartment with no more interruptions. When I finally got home I unlocked the door, and set my bag and shoes on the ground and got greeted by my cat. I made myself a small lunch and watched tv. My cat came over and crawled into my lap. I didn't have anymore hero work to do today unless it was an emergency. I started to get sleepy so I put my phone on max volume and rested my eyes.

*Time skip*
   It had been three days since the interview at U.A and I finally got the call!

   " Hello, is this Ms. Y/N? This is Principle Nezu. I wanted to call and further discuss your role at U.A. Currently for this moment you'll be an assistant teacher. In this role you'll help the teacher your shadowing do normal day to day work for the students. You'll have to help prepare the room, assignments, and talk with the teacher for lesson planning. It will be up to the teacher to decide if he would like you to also help grade assignments that the students turn in."

   "I am absolutely capable of doing that. I will not only help the students with learning, but I will also be as helpful as possible to the teacher as well. When would you like me to come in and introduce myself to the teacher?"

   " The students will have their entrance exams on Monday at 9 a.m at the E.E.T.F. I would appreciate you being there. It may give you a look into some of the students quirks, and all of the teachers will be there. After we review the students and decide which ones we're able to take into the hero courses then I'll introduce you to the teacher you'll be shadowing, and you'll be filling out the required paperwork. I'll have one of the teachers meet you at the entrance. Does that sound okay?"

   "Absolutely! I'll be there. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I won't let you down."

   " I know you won't. We're glad to have you join us. We'll see you on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m sharp in your hero costume. Goodbye now."

   He hung up the phone and I got all giggly and excited. I was not only working at U.A but I was working under a pro hero! I was so excited to see which one Principal Nezu was putting me with! Maybe Midnight! Oh or Present Mic!!! He would be so fun to work with!!! UGHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!

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