Chapter 6

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   I woke up at 7:15 and started to get ready. I had to be at U.A by 8:00. I did my makeup and brushed my hair. I watched the news to see if there where any villains this morning, nothing so far thankfully. After I was done with my morning routine I gathered my things, bringing my MacBook this time and walked out the door.
When I got to U.A it was 7:55 and sure enough Aizawa was waiting for me. He was currently on his phone. I walked up and we exchanged good mornings. We made small talk until we got to the teachers lounge. He went to sit on the couch that they had at the back of the room so I sat next to him but a little bit farther away. We pulled out our MacBooks and started talking about what he wanted to start with, I made sure I was taking notes the whole time.
He said he didn't want the students to go to the assembly, because it would just distract them, so he wanted to start off with training. I understood where he was coming from. They are first years after all, and it was only one assembly that they'd be missing. I asked what kind of training he wanted them to start off with. he suggested a baseball throw but with them using their quirks. So far it didn't seem like he was being too hard on them, and he actually had a good thought process. Maybe I will learn something from him after all. After the baseball throw he wanted them to do other basic work outs, and rank them from 1 to 20, and do the same thing periodically throughout the year so they can see their improvements. If they see that their improving it'll make them work harder. He also wanted them to do rescue training at the U.S.J. Being a hero means more then just fighting villains, they also have to learn how to rescue people and do triage for the wounded. We also had to prepare the students physically for the sports festival. So we made a schedule for their training lessons too Monday, Wednesday, and Friday they were going to have to train. In between those events they also had normal class assignments, like taking notes, doing worksheets and tests. After we were done planning the larger events we moved on to making normal assignments.
Throughout the rest of the week we made Worksheets, PowerPoints, Quizzes, and Tests. We wanted to focus on hero laws and the process of becoming a hero. That was the first semester goal that we were planning to get through before the sports festival. The week that me and Aizawa did lesson planinng actually went pretty smooth, I wasn't expecting it to actually work out as well as it did. And whether he wanted to believe it or not we actually got time to start forming a bond and get along. Turns out we could actually be a good team and work together for the students sake. Maybe he wasn't a hard ass after all. Also during the week we had, we ate lunch together and talked about things outside of teaching. It turns out we have a few things in common, we talked a lot about how we both like cats and we showed each other lots of pictures of them and how we both like going to cat cafes. We also talked about different villains that we've taken down, and we talked a little bit more about our quirks.
   After spending the whole week with Aizawa it made me realize that he does actually have a soft side, and he's not such a bad guy after all. He didn't smile often but when he did you could tell it was genuine. It was 5:00 on Friday, we were done planning everything for the students and were packing up. I gathered my phone, wallet, keys, and I put my MacBook in my bag. I thought about asking him if he wanted to get a drink before we parted ways for the weekend, and it would have been a nice break from work before we had to teach. We had only known each other for a week after all...  I decided against it. I got a glance of him while I was packing up my things, it looked like he was thinking about saying something. I didn't say anything fearing it would only make him more quiet. I waited for him to finish packing his things and to lock the door to the teachers lounge and we started walking towards the entrance of the school.

   "We got done planning a little late today, the sun is starting to set. Are you comfortable walking home alone? Or would you feel safer if I walked with you?" He said it so casually. Did he actually care? He wouldn't offer if he didn't care at least a little bit, right? " You can walk with me if you want, thank you for asking, that's really considerate of you. I'm not gonna force you too though." I said with a smile. He told me to lead the way and we started walking to my apartment. I told him that there was a really good take out sushi place around the corner from my place and offered to buy if he was interested. He thought for a second and accepted my offer. When we walked in I told him he can get whatever he wants and to not worry about the price, he seemed kinda hesitant but still accepted. He ordered the Unagi eel Nigiri and a bottle of Whilst sake (rice wine) I was curious about why he got a whole bottle but I didn't ask. I ordered the Imari roll and a bottle of water.  I set my money in the dish for the cashier and we waited at a table. "You didn't have to pay you know. I could have covered it." I looked at him kind of confused. " I'm the one that offered, it only makes sense that I paid. You don't have to worry or feel bad about it. Everything is okay, I'm just trying to be nice and treat you to some food after a long week, you at least deserve a nice meal." I said trying to reassure him. He gave a small hesitant smile. The man came up to us and gave us the food,I thanked him, I was gonna grab it but Aizawa got it before I could. We walked out of the restaurant and my apartment was only 2 minutes away.
   I told him I lived on the second floor and that if he felt comfortable he was welcome to come inside to eat. He thanked me and we walked up the stairs. Thankfully I was a relatively clean person, so there wasn't much of a mess. I unlocked the door and my cat started meowing at us. I told her hello and set my things down at the door. I told him he could set his things down anywhere he liked. I went and sat down on my couch and pulled the coffee table a little closer so we could eat there. He walked in and set the food on the table and asked where the bathroom was. I got up and told him in was attached to my bedroom and showed him where it was. Thank god I cleaned my room before hand. I told him I'd be in the living room and he nodded. I walked through the kitchen to get chopsticks and then back out to the couch to start pulling our dinner out of the bag. I sat down with a blanket covering me and I turned on the tv. I pulled up Netflix and set the controller down so he could pick what he wanted to watch since I wasn't picky. My cat lifted her head to look at Aizawa as he came back into the room. He sat on the other side of the couch and I told him he could play whatever he wanted on the tv. He put on a movie, opened the wine and asked where my glasses were. I told him the far right cabinet, he got up and grabbed two and poured us each a glass. I'm kind of a light weight so I made sure I didn't drink a lot. It felt nice to have company for once. After we were done with dinner and the movie we were both kinda tipsy so Aizawa said that by the time he got home he would be ready to sleep, he said he only lived 5 minutes away and that I'd see him on Monday. I told him to be safe and we exchanged goodbyes. Shortly after I locked the door again, I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

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