Chapter 8

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His leg has recovered pretty well through the days. Good thing he can walk better now. That does make it a lot easier if I didn't have to carry him.
I have no idea how long we've been walking. I stopped counting the days as expected.

It's strange because Jack told me he sometimes heard voices earlier, but I do as well. I sometimes hear a voice cry or unknown voices talking.
The crying voice is always my mother's. I wonder who's voice Jack heard. He said it was someone who he really cares about. Maybe he had a sibling when he was alive.
But I can't ask him, it's not like I would get anything from that. It'd probably just make him more angry at me.
Maybe I should try to talk to him and apologise. It probably won't do much but at least he knows I didn't mean to ask him about his past. He really did take that very seriously.

His past couldn't be that bad, right? I mean my past wasn't the best but he actually seems traumatised.
Perhaps I should stay quiet. However, what good would that be?

'Hey Jack, I'm sorry I asked about your past.'

'Dont call me Jack.'

'Right, sorry. Why can't I call you Jack, actually?'

'What did we just talk about? You can't take a break, can you?'

So not wanting to be called Jack is also a part of his past. Wow, I really am an idiot.
There's an uncomfortable silence once again.
I don't know what to say, how to keep the conversation going. I know we can stay quiet, but I actually want the conversation to keep going.

I kinda hope he won't ask me how I got him out of that mansion. Maybe it's for the better if he doesn't know that.
I'll try to keep the mood up.
If we're just gonna sit around it's not gonna help with anything.

'Well, let's continue. We're not gonna get anywhere from doing nothing, are we?'

'I suppose so.'

We get up.

'You're completely sure you're fine with walking again, right?' I ask.

'Of course I am. It wasn't that bad. I'm not a little pushover like you.'

'I'll just ignore that and keep going.'

'Not like you could do anything about it in the first place.'

Now I feel like he's just mocking me. But that's fine, I'll just ignore it.

'You seem really upset. Did I really upset you that much with my worrying?' I ask.

'Look sometimes I just don't wanna talk a lot, ok? I'm not the most social person ever and sometimes I just wanna keep to myself and think things over.
I mean I expected it would be hard but also having to babysit someone makes it way harder.'

'And I suppose you already forgot about the fact without me you would've been dead by now?'

'I don't even know if I can trust you on that. You refuse to tell me how you got me out of there. I might as well have been saved by some fox for all I know.'

'That's not-'

'I know it's not what happened. I wasn't actually considering the idea, I was just setting an example.'

'Fine, whatever. I'm not in the mood to argue right now anyway.'

'Yeah you'll lose anyways.'

'Like I said, whatever.'

'This is the exact reason I'm not the biggest fan of talking all the time.'

'Well maybe if you'd sometimes not be so rude talking would be a lot easier.'

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