Chapter 12

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Ive been here for forever. It feels like hours and probably is.
I seem to have passed out and waken up in here. Its a strange place. Its some underwater place but for some reason I can breathe.
I try to scream so maybe Justin would be able to hear me. Or anyone for that matter, but nothing but tiny bubbles of air come out of my mouth.

I don't know how much longer I'm supposed to stay here. I don't know how to get out. I don't know how to make Justin know where I am.
I'm doomed.
Once I woke up here, strange looking plants started growing around my feet. I jumped away and ripped the plants off my feet, but new ones immediately started growing around my feet after I jumped away.

I've been pulling these plants out the ground for a very long time now, but Justin still hasn't found out where I am.
I really hope that thing didn't get him.

I'm starting to worry. What if something happened to Justin? I won't be able to help. What if Justin is dying right now?
I start stressing out completely.

I just keep pulling plants growing around my feet out of the ground, since I know I can't really do anything else right now.

Then I hear some bubbling sounds. It was probably just my breathing, there's no need to get my hopes up.
Just in case, I look around a little to see if anyone's there but there's no one.

I'll just keep doing this useless job. I start hearing more and more bubbling. Is there something coming closer to me?

I look around once again and see two silhouettes coming closer to me. I definatly didn't expect that.

I flinch and stand up quickly, ready to avoid any attacks I might get, just in case it's an illusion to get me off guard.
The silhouettes start getting clearer and I see it's 2 people. I'm filled with so much relief.

Did Justin find me? Am I finally able to get out of here?
I'm so glad Justin's ok.
But who is that other person? I try to get a better view at them as i keep avoiding the plants.
Once they've finally landed I see Justin is actually here, but he's wearing some ridiculous mask.
'Justin!' I shout happily but my words only come out of my mouth as bubbles. I run to him and hug him tightly.

I never thought I'd do this, but I'm so glad he's finally came.
He hugs me back and the plants around my feet are starting to rot away.

'Looks like the creature was done with its fun. Probably realised the prank isn't funny anymore.'
I look at the person who said that. I have no idea who that's supposed to be.

It looks like a teenager boy, but something about him is off.
He's wearing a ridiculous mask and something just seems... wrong about him.

He puts a hand on both mine and Justin's heads. Why did he do that?
'Who.. are you?'
I gasp, finding out I can finally talk again.

'Oh yeah by the way you're welcome for just saving you. Yeah no need to thank me.'

'I'm sorry... and thank you. But how did you guys find me? And who are you? And why couldn't I breathe but can I breathe now? God, I have a lot of questions.'

The guy stays quiet for a bit. I wonder how he feels but I can't see it very well because of his mask.
'We didn't find you, I did.' He says. 'I just led Justin to you. You're not the first one in here you know? I have some experience.'

'I see...' I mutter.
'Well I'm getting anxiety from being underwater for this long. Keith, could you lead us back to the shore?' Justin asks.

Keith, who is Keith?

'Sure. Follow me.' The guy awnsers.

That boy is named Keith? Apparently Justin and him seem to know eachother.

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