Chapter 16

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'Keith, where is Jack?' I ask.

'I wouldn't worry about Jack.' Keith says. 'He's not worth our thoughts.'

'What do you mean?'

'Jack isn't who he said he was.'

'Ehm... Explain?'

'He's a betrayer, ok? He's betrayed us into thinking he was like us, but he's not.'
Keith sighs.
'He's... He's not like us. He's a disguised ghost. He's not real, he's just a ghost disguised as a human. I don't even know why we trusted him.'

Hearing those words broke me.
'What?! There's no way! Jack couldn't have been disguised!'

'He really did trick us well, huh?'

'Well... where is he now?'

'Why would I care? Honestly I couldn't care less about what happens to him at this point.'

'Well how should I know you're telling the truth?'
If I'd have to chose between Jack and Keith I'd definitely think Jack is right. We've known eachother for much longer and Keith... I don't know.
He just looks a little off to me. But right now I don't know what to believe.

'Why would I lie?'

'Because you might be a ghost in disguise?'

He snorts.
'Me? A ghost in disguise? Hah, you gotta be kidding me.'
He gets a hair tie and put a ponytail in.
'How would I even be a ghost?'

'How wouldn't you, you bring me over here with some crazy idea about Jack being a ghost secretly.
There is absolute no way. You're acting super suspicious.'

'Pointing fingers here?' He says, smirking.

'This isn't a joke! You're getting on my nerves.'

'So what if I am?
I've helped you two out and without me Jack would've "died".
You know without me you wouldn't have found Jack when that prank creature attacked the two of you.
And now you're accusing me of all people of secretly being a ghost? Don't make me laugh!'
Keith's voice starts to go from amused to angry slowly.
'You know without me any creature could've killed you?
I helped you find Jack, gave you masks to make sure no more creatures would find you and brought you food.
At least be a little thankful.'

'I really appreciate all the things you did for us,' I say, 'but how did you even figure out Jack tricked us? Last time I saw him he was just his normal self.'

Somehow I don't remember anything that happened between when Jack was still here and now. It's like it's wiped away from my memory. That's strange, and suspicious. But I can't just start to suspect Keith after all he's done for us.

'Urg, fine I'll go with you.'

Keith smiles happily.
'Wonderful! We're very near to a town already. Its only like a few more minutes of walking.'

A few more minutes?! We're actually almost home!

'I- really?!'
I let out a shout of excitement.
'I can't believe we're almost home!'

Keith smiles.
'I'm glad to see you this happy.' He says.
'Oh, won't you look at that. Its a town!'

Indeed, there's a town right in front of us.
I know I should be very happy, but something really feels off. This is almost too perfect, as if it's staged.
It feels like I'm in such a kids book where everything happens just at the right moment.

But nonetheless I follow Keith into the village.

The village is normal enough, it's a small village with little wooden homes. There are a few people walking around or working.

Keith starts talking to a few people as if he's been here before so many times. Maybe this is where he's from.

'You still haven't awnsered Jack and my question.'
'What do you mean?'
'How you knew where we should go to find a town. Like, did you use to live or here or...'
'Yes, actually I lived here for a few years now.'
'Oh ok. But then why did you come to the forest?'
'Oh, I go to forest every now and then to get my village some of the food there.
Most of the food we have is imported from other villages, but we use the food from this forest to exchange for stuff like meat and bread.'
'Alright makes sense.'

I still have a lot of more questions but I feel it may not be the best time to start asking millions of questions.

'So, would you like to meet some of the people here?' Keith asks.
I don't. I really really don't.
'Alright sure.' I say, trying to sound exited.
'Ok, good. Because I'm sure they'd love to meet you.'
'Wait am I supposed to start living here now?'
'Yeah, basically. We obviously can't actually bring you home since you live very far away but at least you'll have food and a roof over your head.' Keith says.

I don't want to start complaining since he did just lead me to a village and I'm very grateful for that.
I just can't help but think of Jack, and mom. I can't really believe Jack would betray me like that. And I hope mom is doing well.

'Justin, are you ok?' Jack asks. 'You seem so down, I would've expected a little more enthusiasm.'

'It's just... a lot to take in, ok? Jack betrayed us, we found a village, I'm going to live here for the rest of my life now, it's a lot.'

'Yeah I guess I can understand that... But do acknowledge I just brought you to a town and you probably would've died if it weren't for me.'

'Y-yeah and I'm super grateful for that!'
I don't want Keith to start thinking I'm not grateful for everything he's done.

'Ok then let's go. You'll want to walk a little fast if you don't want to get run over by cars.'
Ignoring the disturbing thing he just said, I follow Keith to a house a little bigger than the rest.
Probably the mayor's house or something.

'This is my house.' Keith says.

Is Keith the mayor?

'Come on in!'
Keith opens the door widely and we step inside.

This place is actually beautiful. I start looking around and there's so much to see.

There are all different kinds of paintings handing on the walls, which are covered in a thick, clean wallpaper with a bird pattern on it.

Almost all of the room is pastel coloured and it looks a lot bigger from the inside.

I'm just gazing, looking around at all the beautiful furniture and decorations for minutes.

'Since you don't have a house yet, you can move in with me for a while.' Keith says.

'I'd love that...' I say, still gazing around the room.

'There's more, you know.' Keith says smiling, and he tilts his head towards some stairs.
This house really is bigger on the inside.

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