22. EvanVale

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Just for the record. I'm sure many of you know that 13 year olds are not kids, they're sorta in-between being a kid and a teenager (well technically they're teens but they're more childish than a 14 year old ya know?) Anyway... Angeline is going to be 13 and kind of like macey. (Lol none of you have met her but that's what she's gonna be like. I'm pretty much the same) Child-ish and teenage-mature at the same time.

A M Y ~

"I'm going to miss you so much!"

I wrapped my arms around my mothers sickly thin body and hugged her tight, trying to hold back tears.

" I can't believe you're leaving again but I want you to have a great time back home " I could hear mum beginning to sob as I pulled away from the hug.

" I will. Rest up for me okay? "

" I will " She assured me as her long brown (and now slightly grey) hair flopped down her shoulder.

I turned and hugged dad, his strong arms wrapping around me. I was going to miss my family while I was away.

" Stay safe " Dad smiled at me.

" I will dad "

I stepped back and Ash's hand took mine, a backpack swung over his left shoulder. We were sneaking out of the city to sail to Ash's home world tonight and I was upset. I didn't want to leave my family again, even though it wasn't forever.

" We better get going if we want to be there by morning" Ash encouraged me by squeezing my hand. I smiled weakly and I picked up the black hoodie from the table and pulled it over my head. Ash already had a black hoodie on and I made sure to tuck my tight pink braid away so it couldn't be seen.

" I guess this is goodbye, we'll be back in a week or so"

" Have a good time dear, you two really need a break" Mum smiled at me but I knew she was sad we were leaving again.

We walked down the staircase and out the front door of the house. We'd already said goodbye to Noah and Sophia earlier.

It was extremely cold as we walked down the hill away from the house. I began shivering almost immediately even though I had a warm, thick jumper on.

" Are you okay? " Ash asked sweetly, his hand wrapping around my waist and holding me closer to him.

" Yeah I'm fine. Just cold.. and a bit nervous"

" This is all going to work out, I promise. I'm kind of excited for you to meet my mother, I'm sure she's going to love you and I can just imagine Angeline's face when she finds out that you're a princess"

I giggled. I suppose Angeline was going to be like a little sister to me, at least, I want her to be. I want to meet Archie too, he's only 6 so I think he's going to be adorable.

We walked through the city, passing the skyscrapers towering above us. The lights glittered around us as we walked towards the harbor. It was mysterious tonight, the city almost seemed abandoned because it was just past 1 am.

We finally reached the dock, Ash's hand now in mine. We found our way to the boat we were borrowing for the trip and climbed aboard, double-checking we had everything we needed.

" Ready to go Amy?" Ash asked me, unraveling the rope connecting the boat to the dock.

" Yep, I'm pretty sure we have everything"

Ash jumped onto the boat and lifted the sail. Before long we were sailing smoothly along the water. It was a strange feeling.... really really strange. Caridale and the city lights slowly began to fade as we sailed further and further away towards the world barrier. We would be lucky to be there by late morning.

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