4. The Charity Ball

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If you can see it ( if I've done it right) The Picture Is Of Amy's Ball Gown! I wanted to put Rosie's and Lucy's ( you'll find out who she is soon) as well but the link thing on the website only allowed me to put one photo :-(

A M Y ~

I stared at the mirror as I put a shiny silver necklace around my neck. Tonight is the Charity Masquerade ball.

I'm wearing a beautiful full-length pink ball gown with sparkly sequins down the front of it. It goes all the way down to the ground and shimmers under the light. I have my hair up in a tight bun and some light make-up on. My pink mask was sitting on the top of my head.

I can feel the butterflies flying around in my stomach. This night is really important and I'm all alone too

Ash can't come with me. His name was never added to the list so he can't get in even if he tried. I don't want to go without him because of Ronan.

Yuck.. Ronan. His name disgusts me. I hate his personality, looks and everything his does irritates me. We only dated because he forced me too! He said his father would take down the alliance between the two worlds and start a war if I didn't. I always thought he was just bluffing but I was never brave enough to test it.

Another one of the reasons why I left to begin with.

I walked over to my massive wardrobe and found a pair of sparkly silver shoes and slipped them on to my feet. My hands were shaking with nervousness. I had to give a speech in front of hundreds of VIP's and other royalty members. I couldn't mess up tonight.

Stay calm Amy! You're fine.

I had a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach as I made my way to my bedroom door. I could hear the click of my heels against the hard floor. I felt light-headed and short-breathed but I had no other choice.

You have to be okay... This isn't about me.. it's for mum.

I opened my door and walked out of the room and into the hallway. I checked my hair again in the mirror hanging on the wall, even though I was already completely sure it was fine.

" Wow "

I turned my head and saw Ash standing just at the top of the staircase staring straight at me. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed the pure red rose in his hand.

" You look absolutely stunning Amy " he smiled as he stepped towards me. " give me a twirl "

I listened and spun around in a circle in front of him, making my dress spin around me. I felt glamorous, but the nerves were taking over my other emotions.

" Absolutely gorgeous " Ash smiled as he took a few steps towards me and passed me the beautiful pure red rose " I wish I was coming with you "

" I wish you was too! I'm so nervous that I can't stop shaking and I feel like I could vomit any second " I sighed as I showed him my shaking hands.

" Want a cuddle? " he asked sweetly.

" Please? " I begged as I conjured up the cutest puppy dog eyes I could. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I slowly began to stop shaking as his hug warmed my body.

" You seem taller than usual? " Ash said in a shocked tone of voice as he released me from his grip.

" I suppose it's what happens when I'm wearing bloody 6 inch heels! " I complained as I pulled my skirt back a bit and revealed my sparkly silver heels.

" You know this is all going to be okay and that you're going to have a great time right? " Ash chuckled " you're always so nervous "

" I'm nervous because you won't be there, not because of anything else " I replied.

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