5. Coming Home

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I saw everyone smile as land came into view. As much as we loved Caridale, Stampy's lovely world was our true home.. and probably always will be.

We had even found new friends in Caridale that were coming home with us. Netty and Violet friend ( somehow ) Dylan and his little sister Cassie were coming to live in our world. Violet seemed to get along with Dylan really really well.

Liam still confused as hell. He doesn't understand anything about why we left or how he died. Nobody really has the heart to tell him he took an Arrow for Amber. Tom and I are trying to help Amber feel better but nothing's helping her. She's purely heart-broken and I don't blame her at all. It's a horrible thing to go through, especially so early in life as well.

Netty's been trying to help Liam because she's one of the only people who knows how it feels to not know half the people you're friends with or where you are in general.

I stared at land as it came closer and closer. I spotted Stampy, Sqaishey and Lee standing on the dock waiting for us. They looked happy to see us and they were all waving.

The boat sailed to the dock and stopped. I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped off the boat and onto solid ground. Stampy immediately walked over to us.

" Long Time No See Squid Nugget! " he laughed as he gave me a friendly hug " How come you're back early? "

I watched as Netty and Tom walked off ship with Liam in between them. They walked slowly passed us and towards the clubhouse. Amber walked off alone after them with red,puffy eyes and a black duffle bag in her arms. She looked like she could curl into a ball and cry herself to sleep. She was so happy before all of this drama.

" See Liam over there " I pointed to Liam as Salem walked up to us. " That's freshly respawned Liam "

Stampy and Sqaishey's jaws dropped at my recent words. Salem sighed loudly as she dumped a bag on the dock.

" What? how! why! who? " Stampy and Sqaishey asked frantically.

" He u-uh.. he took an arrow for Amber.. some guard tried to shoot her and he stopped him " I explained reluctantly. " he died in hospital a few hours later "

Salem looked like she was going to cry again so I pulled her into a hug. We were happy he had respawned fine and everything.. it was just painful seeing him so confused about everyone he knew so well.

" Wow.. that's shocking " Sqaishey said in a worried tone of voice "how much does he remember? "

" Not enough " I sighed " he remembers his family, as well as Netty and Tom.. but he forget Charlotte, Corey, Violet and especially Amber "

" That's too bad mate " Stampy sighed " it's not over yet though, you can get his memories back obviously"

" Yeah I know " I replied as I let go of Salem and picked up my bags

" We better get going Squid.. I think we have a bit of explaining to do " Salem explained as she took my hand. We said goodbye to Sqaishey and Stampy and walked home.

We met up with Natalia, Harry, Netty Tom and Liam at the front door as I unlocked it. We walked inside and I immediately dumped my bags on the floor and collapsed on to the couch. My entire body felt weak and sore and all I felt like doing was Sleeping.

" You okay Liam? " Salem asked as Liam sat down next to me on our red sofa's.

" Yeah.. I.. u-uh I guess " he mumbled.

" What's wrong Liam? " I asked curiously as I let out a sigh.

" I'm just.. confused " he replied " confused, hurt and lost "

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