11| Sniper Lilith in the houseee

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"You know, Malachai has a nickname, and since we're all supposed to be besties, you should just call him Kai from now on." Colton giggles
evilly at his random idea as I pull my sniper out from my duffle bag and begin to set it up. "I think he's went a bit shy." I tease. "Nope, just thought i'd mute myself incase I said something I couldn't take back." Malachai muffles. "Bro adjust your mic sensitivity, we can literally hear your stomach processing the sandwich you ate this morning." Colton groans.
"You adjust your fucking volume." Malachai hisses back, his sensitivity clearly adjusted.

I put the sniper onto its tripod and position myself into a laying stance, comfortable enough for me to be able to shoot at any point.

"Okay technicians, are you done fixing Kai Kai up?" I mock. "Yeah we're set." I hear the restraint from laughing Colton holds whilst he speaks. "Lilith I swear- if you call me that one more time-" Malachai warns but I cut him off. "Gonna scope out the area nowww. " I sing-song, checking the landscape around the building we're tasked set to clear. A glimpse of light blinds me momentarily and I aim in the direction. "Sniper. Wait for my clear." I order, muting them all as I focus on my target.

"When you're aiming, remember to steady your breathing. It is the key element to a perfect shot." Father guided me as I closed one eye, looking through the scope with the other. "See that squirrel? I want you to hit it." He commands. I took a deep breath, focusing on the squirrel as I slightly zoom in to get a closer view.

It was eating a nut, so innocent; so small.
Just like me; a 12 year old, already being told to kill living beings.

"Now." My father orders and I release my shot, missing the squirrel by an inch. A rush of relief flushes through my body as I realise I hadn't killed the innocent creature. "You useless girl." Father hisses, kicking the sniper away from me and lifting me up by my shirt. "Papa it was only my first try." I mutter my reasoning, my voice leaking with fear. "It should only take one try," he scowls.

I aim just above the snipers head, giving the bullet enough space for it to lose its force yet still hit right in the head. I zoom in slightly to get a clearer view and press down on the trigger. The force of the bullet pushes me back a little but in the end, it hits the sniper's head perfectly knocking him out. I scan the surrounding hills one last time, before unmuting.

"Bro I want to go through the main door!" Colton whines, "I'm going through there, end of fucking discussion." Malachai responds. "How long has this been going on for?" I huff as I scan the grounds. "Since you muted them," Maya grumbles.

"Alright cut the bullshit, guards are surrounding the area, literally everywhere I look there's a guard; cameras fill the grounds, Maya hack them and watch Colton's back," I announce, "Alright give me a moment," she replies as I continue to watch.

"Colton it'd be best if you come in through the east entrance, there seems to be less guards." I inform, "What? You think I can't take on a few more guards?" He scoffs. "No, I think it'd be smart for you to save yourself the hassle and go in through the east entrance." I retort. "Yeah yeah." He huffs.

"Alright, done." Maya announces. "Alright Maya make sure you keep an eye out for big Colton over here alright?" I snigger. "Shut up." Colton grumbles. "Can we just get this shit done?" Malachai groans as I watch as both him and Colton separate off in different directions.

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