Training wheels detatched

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"W-What?! T-Then w-why are we h-here w-we're just-" clock exclaims before getting cut off "Winner do you wanna tell him or should I? I'm not letting you get friend zoned" loser asks the blob, winner nods and pulls clock into a corner "uhm...c-clock I- uhm-" winner was usually calm despite their awkward nature so seeing them nervous felt odd to clock "Actually I have something to tell YOU" clock says, they both stutter for a moment before both blurting out "I LOVE YOU!" Both at the same time. "I- Oh— W-Well then I- uhm" clock says nervously "you have low standards" winner says jokingly "nah. You do" clock reply's "bicker later you two for now let's get back home I don't think my team can be trusted on their own" loser says stoping the twos "argument" and as the four of them head home everything feels like it's changed for the clock and the blob.

Note:hey sorry if the font has changed I have no idea how it happened but it did- other than that I really hope you've enjoyed so far and I hope you keep enjoying other things I make as well!
Note 2:Ok so the font didn't change— good to know

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