Stay young, go dancing

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Warnings: none! Kellic in their mid 40s and the most domestic thing you will ever read.


"Okay kids, you know the plan." I say to the two little boys nodding and smiling eagerly in front of me. I give them each the bouquets of flowers and while they smell and gawk at the pretty colors I take the neatly wrapped box from the kitchen counter. "Alright, let's go."

We start for our room upstairs, but before I take another step, I remember the old camcoder I found on the basement last night. I take it and then proceed for the stairs, following Eli and Lukas who were impatiently waiting for me to go up with them.

When we reach the door, Eli wraps his small hand on the handle and opens the door to mine and Kellin's room. He is, as expected, sprawled on the bed still sound asleep completely unaware of his surroundings. Our children being 6 and 7 years old don't care about that at all so that's why in a heartbeat they jump towards their sleeping dad and plop down on top of him with a burst of giggles and yelling and muffled groans, those mostly coming from Kellin.

I turn on the old camcoder, which by grace of whatever higher power above us still works, and start filming the kids jumping around the bed while Kellin tries to hide away with the covers. I laugh as I sit beside him and give his pouty face a bright smile.

"What are you guys doing..." Kellin groans, his voice still getting used to being awake.

"You sleep too much daddy!" Eli throws a pillow into his face and I let out a laugh.

"Ow, come on." Kellin is laughing too, but I know he's trying to come off as the mature one at the same time.

"Yes, daddy. Do you see us sleeping in all the time??" Adds Lukas, taking away the sheets from Kellin's body.

Kellin turns to glare at me and I give him my most innocent smile. "Oh I know you're behind this."

I shrug feigning ignorance and keep recording the moment. In a few years he's going to adore this video, I'm sure.

"Boys, aren't you forgetting something for your dad?" I tell the kids and at the sound of my words they immediately remember the flowers and show the bouquets to Kellin. All annoyance fades away from his face as he takes them and smiles.

"Guys..." He says in amazement and smells the dozens of his favorite flowers.

"We're happy you and Papa have been together for 20 years," says Lukas throwing his arms around Kellin and my heart literally warms up. I certainly did not tell him to say that.

"Aw, honey come here." Kellin kisses the top of his brown locks. "I'm very happy about that too."

He glances at me and I shoot him a wink.

"Wait, I'm happy too." Eli cuts in, clearly feeling left out, and Kellin grabs him as well to give him a hug.

"Come here big guy," he says.

"Okay but what about me?" I tease and the boys giggle and grab me too, making me topple over the three of them. We laugh loudly and I even almost drop the old camera but grab it tightly before it drops, and while the kids make room for me to lay more comfortably besides Kellin, I hold it above us and keep filming.

"What is that thing?" Kellin laughs looking at the device.

"Oh, come on. I know you're old, but don't tell me you've forgotten about camcoders." I joke and he gives me an annoyed look. Lukas snuggles into his side and Eli to mine.

"Let it be known that I've had to put up with this for the last 20 years," Kellin says into the lens, pointing to me and I burst out laughing. He grins too and I shake my head.

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