chapter five

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Morning omma ,he said in is Kuwaiti voice before sitting down for his breakfast with his family.
Nadr Mohammed Al-qattan,who is the first child of his parent ...He took over his father's company after he retired few months back in Kuwait..
Al qattan company is one of the most popular and effective company in Kuwait.
The Al qattan family are a very popular in Kuwai
They are family of seven apart from the extended family..
~Nadr Mohammed Al-qattan:he is 25years of age .he studies business administration in the family university.the qattani university in Kuwait.
~ufaq Mohammed Al-qattan:she is a twin to Nadr she is also 25, studies nursing in their family university also..she is a quite person unlike are other siblings..
~Ahlam Mohammed Al-qattan:she is 20 years old.who refuse to study in the family's university but decided to move to Nigeria for her education.. Because they are not fully Kuwaitis,the father is a Kuwaiti while the mother is a Nigerian..she is studying law in Nile university in Abuja.
~zafir and zafira Mohammed Al-qattan:The twins gene runs in their family.They are 17years old followed their sister Ahlam to Nigeria to study there also .They are in their final year in secondary school,and they are the last born of the family....

So,it was during holiday so the whole family was on the table for breakfast even the extended family,well it won't have happened if not that the father called for a family meeting.
The father cleared his throat before starting his conversation, so I welcome you all to this family meeting,after the meeting I had with my wife I had concluded that we are going on one month vacation to a place we have all wanted to go to ,he said.
The family were very happy and they thanked him because they were shocked that he is saying this himself after much attempt of them talking to him about it.
After the breakfast/meeting ended they all went to their various home to start getting ready for the vacation which is just few weeks away.

Later that evening,it was on a Sunday so Nadr was free from work and he was in his room when is friend called him and they talked about work and all that and Nadr told him about the vacation and he said he was going to follow them since he is lime family tho..


Back in school,yeahhhhhhhhhh, That was hafsa , whoo else have that kind of vibe among them..So they arrived at school same time and unfortunately they are all in the same room .The reason it's unfortunate is because that room is gonna be a disaster 😭 four crazy clowns...It was on a Saturday so they had nothing to do apart from catching up what they have missed...


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Love: ayeeshatou_x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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