How You Get Closer

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S T E V E  •  R O G E R S

After showcasing your powers, Shield took you in for questioning. Steve came too and defended you the best he could. Shield eventually let you go, allowing you to keep your job as an agent. After that you ended up hanging out with the captain more often. You trained together, went on hikes together and went out to lunch together. He was very interested in your powers and loved watching you make things out of fire.

B U C K Y  •  B A R N E S

After meeting him for the first time, you were hooked. You thought about him all the time, and luckily for you, Steve invited you over again to get drinks with the pair. You hung out with them both a lot and even met up with just Bucky a couple of times. He showed you his metal arm, but never told you about how he got it, or the things he went through with Hydra. You understood that it was hard for him and didn't press for any information.

P I E T R O  •  M A X I M O F F

During the battle of Sokovia, you were able to slow time and the bullets that were heading straight for Pietro. You saved his life that day, and he was forever grateful. You started hanging out with both the twins after that, showing them the ropes of being an Avenger. While you loved Wanda, you did end up hanging out with Pietro more. You had races (in which he won most of them, even with time slowed), played video games together and ate a whole lot of food together.

L O K I  •  L A U F E Y S O N

Natasha didn't want you anywhere near Loki. She made sure that he couldn't get to your floor of the tower and always made you leave whenever he was in the room. She watched you all hours of the day to make sure you were safe. What she didn't count on was the hours of the night that you spent at the library. You met Loki there on his fifth night at the tower. He didn't speak to you all that much, mainly just small talk. After a few weeks, though, you two started to talk more and became friends.

P E T E R  •  P A R K E R

You hung out with Peter every day. You hung out after school together and he took you to Delmar's. You both loved talking about superheroes, mainly the avengers. Your dad was surprisingly supportive of the friendship. Peter never came over to your house, but you went over to his a lot. His Aunt May loved you, and you loved her, too.

T O N Y  •  S T A R K

As Tony's new assistant, you saw quite a lot of him. It was your job to make sure he got to places on time and such. He was a bit difficult and flirted with you every chance he got. You went to parties and meetings with him, and even went on a few business trips with him. You got to hang out with him in his lab as well. He knew you were intelligent and liked having you help.

B R U C E  •  B A N N E R

As the team's new healer, the team needed to know what they were dealing with and you had to be up to standards with your medical abilities. For they first few weeks, Bruce had to test your powers and such. You stayed in the lab with him while he explained it all to you. Once that was finished, he taught you about medicine. You could heal without modern medicine and procedures, but it was still good for you to know about them. You and Bruce spent a lot of time together and got really close.

T H O R  •  O D I N S O N

After you hit Thor with your car, you felt some weird sort of connection to him. You believed him when he told you he was a god and helped him get his hammer back. He saved you from the Destroyer. But all good things have to come to an end. He had to leave for Asgard. You were sad, for he had become a dear friend, and you had hoped there could be something more. But alas, he was a god, and you were just a human. So, when you said goodbye, you thought that would be the last time you saw him. You were wrong. After the battle of New York, he came back. He stayed at the tower with the Avengers and sought you out.

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