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A/n: another popular AU from my older books. This time, a mini series!

Every night ever since you moved in.

The same crying and sobbing echoing down the halls. At first you thought it was someone on the floors above or below you, but after going door knocking and coming up empty handed, even being told neighbours have been hearing it too for years, you came to a conclusion.

You had a ghost.

The cold spots, the things disappearing and reappearing in random places, the crying, the oddly specific event of lollies going missing... it all pointed to a ghost. Though you weren't scared, the ghost didn't seem to be malicious, it was just very upset.

A few months ago, you moved into a new apartment and ever since then you'd been experiencing random paranormal things. Mainly at night, and mainly in your lounge area. Though they did seem to move all over the floor. You weren't sure what do you, you didn't want to banish him since he seemed so upset, you didn't want to upset him more.

It was exactly midnight, and you were up on your laptop in bed while faint crying could be heard in the other room. The ghost was at it again. Looking for the identity of this ghost was your first step to trying to figure out what was going on with them. And upon looking up the apartment building you found some things.

It used to be a taskforce headquarters back in 2006 for a criminal investigation. It must have been a big one if a whole separate building was made just for them. And on November 5th, two people were pronounced dead in the building. One who turned out to be the owner of several orphanages and inventor of many useful things Quillish Wammy. And the other was just... a man. His co workers called him Ryuzaki but didn't know his last name, or any details about him.

There were theories on the article that he was a spy or something. Because nothing was ever found on him. The autopsy for both of them said the cause of death was a heart attack. Likely due to Kira, since that's when Kira was a thing. But the only thing they could get on the Ryuzaki guy was his mixed ethnicity, a few health problems like a bad back and very low vitamins and iron count. But absolutely nothing else. The people that claimed him wouldn't give any information and it's unknown where he was eventually buried.

You lived on the floor he died, so you were sure that your crying ghost was this Ryuzaki person. Why was he so sad, you wondered? Was he sad he died? Was he sad he lost someone? Was he always sad in life and it carried over to death?

What was the story here? Who even was this Ryuzaki guy?

Tonight was the night you found out. You were done with his crying and wanted him to stop. Getting up, you grabbed your phone and turned on the camera app as you creeped down the hall following the crying. You ended up in the lounge, the source seeming to come from a window. You couldn't see anything, but it was colder than the rest of the house. Not sure if this would work, you hit the shutter button and the camera flash lit up the room. The crying stopped, as if the flash frightened him. And when you looked at the photo you gasped when you saw it had worked.

You could see him. A full bodied apparition, he was tall but hunched over as he sat by the window looking out of it. His cheeks were stained with tears, he had black hair, was very pale and wore plain clothes. He looked a little see through in typical ghost fashion.

"Got you now Ryuzaki" you mumbled to yourself.

"You... can hear me?"

Hearing the sudden voice you looked up from your phone to come face to face with the ghost, you jumped and stumbled back a bit. You could see him! Without the camera now.

L x Reader oneshots SERIES 3 (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now