5 - Mission accomplished, I'd say.

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Minho jogged towards you. He'd just finished running the maze. "Hey, Y/n." He said hugging you, tightly.

Smirking, you invited Minho to sit next to you. Once he did, you whispered, "Did he see?" Mirroring your expression, Minho nodded then pushed an arm over your shoulders.

Both of you had come up with a plan last night. You called it, operation jealousy. Your aim was to find out how Gally felt towards you. Your crush on him had lasted for quite a while now and a secret someone had tipped you off that Gally liked you back.

However, when he was asked about it by Newt (your other accomplice), he denied it and called you a slinthead. So you had come up with a ploy to figure him out and Minho, Newt plus a few others were helping you.

"So, Y/n. Got any other ideas?" Minho asked under his breath.

You thought for a moment, tilting your head to appear like you were resting on your friend's shoulder. "Nope. You?"

"Newt said he'll been plotting while he helps out in the gardens. I'll bet you he's got Zart in on it too." He took his arm away and stood up.

"In on what?" You heard a voice behind you.

Jumping, you scrambled to your feet and turned simultaneously with Minho to see who the eavesdropper was.

Oh shuck. Gally.

You quickly said, "Nothing! We're just planning something for..." Shuck, you were out of ideas.

Minho jumped in before you could mess something up, "Alby! Yeah, Alby. Don't tell him though. It's supposed to be a secret. Y/n and I are getting all the keepers involved first."

Gally didn't look convinced. You quickly realised why. You abruptly blurted out, "So, good thing you're here! We should go see if Newt has told Zart now. Uh, bye Gally." You pulled Minho away from him before he could ask anymore questions.

"Nice save." Minho giggled.

Both of you made your way over to the gardens and you saw Newt privately talking to Zart. You and Minho rolled your eyes then made your way over to the gossiping boys. When Newt saw you, his eyes widened.

That boy could not keep a secret, could he? You stomped over there, avoiding the plants. Catching sight of you, Zart shuffled away before you reached the two of them.

"Alright Newt, who else have you told?" You crossed your arms and glared at him.

"Okay love, don't be mad. I didn't mean to, I'm not sure how it happened but Zart, Winston and Clint also know. But-" He stopped and thought for a moment.

You narrowed your eyebrows, wondering why he was doing that but your questioned were answered by a loud, abrupt cough from behind you.

What was it with these boys and sneaking up behind you?

"Hey, Alby. Albers, Albert, Albs. No?" You faked a reassuring smiled, turning around slowly.

"Okay, Y/n. What are you up to?" Alby placed his hands on his hips in his usual authoritative matter. "Newt's been running around all day."

Behind your back, you grabbed the bracelet that hung around your wrist and fiddled with the charm. It was an instinct whenever your were nervous, you couldn't help it.

Newt whispered, rather loudly, to Minho. "I think we should just let him in on it." Minho was too late to clasp his hand over Newt's mouth and you tightened your jaw.

"Fine. Well, I came up with a plan to figure out how Gally feels about me. I know it sounds childish-"

"I'm in." Alby chuckled slightly. "I always thought he liked you, you know. Ever since you entered the Glade."

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