3- Harry

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Zayn and I pulled into the driveway, making me pout a slightly because my favourite song was turned off. My frown soon turns into a huge smile once I see Louis running towards the car. His little chubby legs are moving as fast as they can which makes me giggle.

"HAZZA! LOUIS, UP, UP!!" He screams once I get out of the car. His big blue eyes are staring up at me, his stubby arms raised above his head.

I pick him up, "Hi boo! How's my favourite little boy?" I ask, pressing kisses on his cute little face.

"Uncle Haz top it! If tickles" He giggles, tears rolling down his face as he laughs hard.
I finally let him down, watching as he grabs my arm, pulling me into the house. I'm greeted by a warm hug from Liam and Niall.

"Hey I know you guys just got here but do you want to go to the park? Lou has been wanting to go." Zayn and I nod our head, "Yeah of course, let's go."

On the way to the park, we get some ice cream. Louis has it all over his face, making us adults chuckle at him. He pouts as Niall wipes his face. "Dada nooooo, stop it." Niall just finishes what he's doing before Liam starts to speak.

"Hey Lou? How about you go play for a little bit while we talk yeah?" Louis pouts a little, going towards the swings. He then turns around shouting, "Uncle Haz! Will you pwease pway wif meh?" And how can I say no to him?

"Lou, no Harry is talk-" I cut Liam off, telling him it's fine.

I walk over to the three year old, "What do you wanna do first?" He "thinks" for a second before his eyes lit up.

"SWIDEEEEESSSS OOH PWEASE?!" He shouts, happily jumping up and down, shaggy hair bouncing around. I smile brightly at the three year old, taking his hand and walking towards the slides.

"Okay you go down the slide and I'll catch you, okay?" He nods his head, climbing up the stairs carefully. He places his bum at the entrance, smiling brightly, giggling to himself.

"Otay Hazzy, I'm coming down! Catch mehhh!" He squeals, pushing himself down the slide, hands waving in the air as he slides into my arms.

"That was so much fun!! Can we do if again?!" He pleads, giving me his puppy eyes.

"Hmmm I don't know......" I trail off, pretending to think.

"Pwease uncle? You can swide dow wif meh." My heart swells at the little boy below me, already feeling myself being pulled towards the slide.

I place myself at the top, pulling Lou in front of me, holding onto him as we slide down the slide.

He's in fits of giggles, claiming that this is the best day ever.

"Uncle Haz?" Lou asks, we are currently sitting on a bench. I wait for him to continue. "Are you and uncle Zee gonna have any babies?" His eyes are staring into mine, waiting for me to continue

"Uhm, see I'm not like Dada Ni, so I can't carry children. But uncle Zee and I'll adopt in the future. We've always wanted children." I explain, trying not to cry, because I really  wanted to carry another child. But I'm completely fine with adopting.

"Oh otay." We both stand up, going towards my husband.

"Hi baby." Zayn says as I place myself on his lap. I smile at him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He grins at me, "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Zaynie." I answer , my heart fluttering at his comment. I love when he says 'I love you.' It reminds me of the first time he ever said it.

He came to pick me up from school, he already graduated, and he was so nervous. I asked what was wrong and he said nothing. So when we got to his house, we went upstairs to his bedroom and he helped me with some of my homework.

Once we had done, he just blurted it out. His cheeks were red and he looked like he was going to pass out. I took his hand in mine, giggling softly to myself, "I love you too Zaynie."

"What are you thinking about honey?" Zayn snaps me out of my daze, making me smile brightly at him. "Oh nothing, just thinking about the high school days." He nods understandingly, a little smile playing on his lips.

"Uncle Zee?" Lou asks, Zayn and I both turning to look at the toddler. "When are you and uncle Haz gonna have babies?" He asks, Liam starring with wide eyes.

"Louis William Payne! You do not ask stuff like that, when uncle Zee and uncle Harry will want to have children, they will. Now sit behind on the bench and stay in a child's place, do you understand me?!"

Louis immediately does as he's told, sitting next to his dada because papa is a meanie.

"Li it's okay, he didn't know." Zayn explains, a little frown on his face.


We're now sitting on the couch, watching some stupid show. "Do you want another kid?" Zayn asks. I stare blankly at the T.V before nodding my head.

"Yeah, but at the same time, no. Of course I want to raise a child but at the same time I don't think I'm ready emotionally. It's been 5 fucking years but I'm still not over it so can we not talk about this anymore?" I say, slowly willing myself not to cry.

He coos, bringing me closer to his chest. That's when I start crying. My husband rubs his hand up and down my back, whispering "I love you" and "It's okay" in mg ear, slowly calming me down.

"Baby girl, I'm hear okay? Trust me I miss her more than anything. I know it's been 5 years, but we will get through this. I love you and Zhoya so much." He then starts to cry, holding me tighter.

"Daddy, I miss her so much, I know she was only two days old but she was our baby. And some bitch stole her from us! Why would someone do that?! Zhoya was our miracle. The doctor said that I was lucky she was even born seeing how my body wouldn't be able to handle the pregnancy. But god had other plans and she was a healthy baby girl.

We sat there, tears streaming down our faces, thinking about that crazy lady that stole our baby. Our baby girl that I carried for eight and a half months, just for the bitch to steal her two days after she was born.

Because of her, I will never be able to have children again.

SURPRISE!! Sorry it took me a while to update. I had my final exams. Anyway I've officially passed 9th Grade and will be going to 10th. Oh god, I feel old now.

Anyway, so Zayn and Harry have a daughter but she is nowhere to be found....Thoughts?

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