Hazzy Baby

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Zayn and I are cuddled up in our room, looking through our photo album, laughing at our terrible selfies. "Zaynie? Do you remember our first date?"

He smiles at the memory, to which I smile also, obviously he remembers, he was the one who asked me out.


Zayn: Hey baby!!

Harry: Hi Zee! What's up?

Zayn: Nothing. So I was uh wondering...um...So would you like to go on a um date with me?

I sat there silent for a minute. Oh my gosh! Mine and Zayn's first date!

Harry: Oh my god yes! Of course I'll go on a date with you  Zaynie!

Zayn: Really?! Um okay I'll pick you up at 6?

Harry: Yeah, that will be great.

Zayn: Alright. See you at 6.

Harry: Okay bye Zee!

So I just sat there for hours wondering what I'm gonna wear and how I'm gonna do my hair. OH MY GOD IT'S ALREADY 5 O'CLOCK!!!!

"MARCEL MOTHER FREAKING STYLES, GET YOUR  GAY ASS UP HERE RIGHT NOW AND HELP ME FIND SOMETHING TO WEAR!!" I yell frantically looking around my room for something to wear. Ugh why does this have to be so hard?!  Suddenly a wide eyed Marcel runs into my room.

"Harry what in the hell are you wearing?! You aren't going out with some lame ass, you are going on a date with Zayn fucking Malik! You just do your hair and I'll pick your clothes okay?" He says as soon as he sees my "outfit". I just nod and put my hair into my famous bun.

"Here lil bitch." Marcel throws some leggings and a white sweater with my black scarf at my face. Stupid fucker. I hurriedly wear my outfit and stare at myself in the mirror. Damn I look good. "Thanks Marcie! You are the best!" I plant a big sloppy kiss on his fore head knowing that he hates it. "Yeah you're fucking welcome. Now get the hell of off me! He says, glaring at me.

After a few minutes, I hear a knock. Oh shit. Zayn's here. I run down the stairs and open the door smiling as soon as I see him. He looked so hot!

"Hey Zee! You look amazing!" I greet him. "Hey you look dashing as well, baby! Are you ready?" He asks. I nod and we head to his car. "So where are we going?" I ask him excitedly. He smirks. Oh great he's one of those guys that won't tell you until you get there. "Do you like scary movies?" He asks, still looking at the road. I nod and let out a yes. "Okay good. Cause we're going to see the new Annabelle movie. Annabelle comes home!" He smiles brightly at me. Wait did he just say Annabelle? Shit that movie is scary as fuck! I almost pissed my pants while watching the first movie in the Annabelle series. Shit, you've got to man up Harry! Okay okay I got this.

We reach the movie theater and soon the movie starts to play. Shit it's so dark in here! "Baby are you alright?" Zayn asks, putting a hand on my thigh. I nod and try not to to smile at his affection. The movie starts soon after that and I'm pretty sure I cuddled against Zayn before the movie could start.

"So did you fun tonight, love?" Zayn asks as we pull in front of my house. I nod and smile brightly. "Yes! It was so wonderful! Thank you Zaynie! I had an amazing time with you. Best first date ever! I look forward to more." I smile softly. "Same here baby. I am glad you had fun tonight. Let me walk you to your door."

We get out of the car and Zayn wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I lean into his touch, smiling a little. I turn around, "Thanks Zee! See ya! Wait actually do you want to come in and watch another movie?" I ask shyly. He grins at me and nods, "Yes and then this gives me a reason to cuddle you!" I laugh and we both walk into the house, taking off our shoes and then walk into the living room.

When we walk into the living room, Marcel and Justin are cuddling on the love seat. Justin is sitting with his back leaning on the arm of the couch while the rest of his body is on the couch spread wide enough so Marcel can sit in between them. Marcel is in between Justin's legs, laying on his side so his head is right under Justin's chin with his hands on top of Justin's chest. "Awe! Hey guys!" I finally make mine and Zayn's presence known. Justin looks at me holding a finger to his lips signaling me to stay silent. "Shh...my baby is sleeping." He coos and looks at Marcel lovingly. Aww.

I nod and sit on the sofa and tell Zayn to sit next to come sit next to me. As soon as Zayn sit down, he picks me up and places me on his lap. I blush like a tomato and make myself more comfortable. Then I try something risky.

I kiss his neck. He sucks in a deep breath and pulls me even closer to him. I look up at him and damn he is so beautiful. I smile at him and he smiles back. "C-can I kiss you?" He asks nervously.

I nod my head desperately. He then leans down as I lean forward and our lips melt into each other. God he is such an amazing kisser! I've never experienced these type of feelings while kissing someone! This feels so good, so right!

I grip on his shirt, deepening the kiss. He swiped his tongue over my lip, asking for entrance. I quickly let him in and turn around so I'm straddling his lap now. He pulls me even closer and slides one hand under my shirt. I shiver at the touch and start to grind my hips, feeling his slight erection. Damn he's big!

Suddenly, someone clears their throat. Oh shit! I forgot about Marcel and Justin. We pull apart and Zayn gives me a peck on the lips one last time before we both look at Justin. "You done now?" We both nod, blushing furiously. "But to be honest that was really hot!" He said, winking at us. "I'm gonna take Marce to his room and then go to bed. Night!" He leaves with Marcel, carrying him bridal style.

"Well I should be going. It's getting really late and I have school and a footie game tomorrow." Zayn announces sadly. "Well we go to the same school. You can stay here tonight and then we can get up early so you can get clothes in the morning? Please Zaynie?" I ask hopefully. He nods and we go upstairs and strip to nothing but our boxers.

Well I'm in my panties, but still.

"Hazzy you're so beautiful." I blush and say a quiet 'thank you'. He climbs into my bed, laying on his back with one arm stretched out so I can lay there. I smile and climb next to him with my nose nuzzled into his neck. "Goodnight Zee!" I giggle and peck his lips. "Night Hazzy baby." Soon after that, we both fall asleep.

*Flashback over*

"That was my favorite moment with you. I could tell that you were scared, even though you won't admit it" He says, kissing my temple when I blush.

"I didn't want to seem like a wimp." I pout, nosing at his chin. He leans down, kissing my lips softly.

"I know baby, that's why I didn't say anything. But that's also why I love you so much. You try and act tough but in reality you're just my fluffy kitten. And you're so beautiful, warm, caring, just everything positive. I'm so happy that you said yes to going to going on that date with me."

"Me too daddy, me too."


Aww, Zarry's first date.

And I'm so sorry for not updating for so long.


Hope you have a good day💛💚

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