Can't Handle the Neutron Style

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Note: This story takes place in the past, 3 years before the events of the KOTLC Server. This story is told by Aeron Renigald

My breath swirled around in the air as I crouched, my cloak fluttering behind me in the light winds of the human world. I let my muscles relax, as bad as the human world was, at least I wasn't hated if I punched the shit out of someone. Here that was a good trait. The dark mist covered the ground, the neon sign of the fight club flickering in the darkness. I tugged up the black scarf covering my mouth and flipped up my hood, jumping off the railing I had been waiting on. I slammed my fist against the metal door, the mist soaking into my boots. A slide near the top of the door slid open to reveal a pair of piercing brown eyes glaring down at me.

"Get lost kid, this place isn't for you."
"You say that every time Gunther, now let me in jackass."

Gunther sighed, shutting the slide and opening the metal door with a sickening creak to reveal a dimly lit bar, behind which lurked the arena. I strode inside, my boots hitting the wood floor the only sound before Gunther shut the door.

"You're back again kid?" He asked, his face hard as he looked me over for any injuries, as was per his job.

"Of course I'm back. I'm the only one in this damned hell hole with any talent." I snarled, my mask still covering everything but my eyes. Shaking my head, I chuckled, making Gunther send me a quizzical look.

"And what're you laughing about now Pyro?"
"Nothing. Have you seen Haru yet?" I asked after my partner, we fought in pairs here and if I didn't have a partner, I couldn't fight.
"Not yet. He's usually here before you, so it's odd he's late. Have you contacted him at all yet?"
"No. Do you have his phone number?"
"Yeah, I got it. Use the phone behind the bar and you can call him. And by the way.. the fights are starting in 10, so make it quick."
"Sure, sure. Thanks. Do you need this back or can I keep it?"
"Keep it. I've got copies of everyone's contacts. Everyone but you that is." He sent me another one of his looks, his eyebrows raised. I shook my head and walked behind the bar, plugging in the sloppily-written numbers. The phone rang jarringly for what seemed like eternity, and with each ring, my stomach dropped a bit lower. Haru was usually so good about picking up his phone, if he wasn't doing it now, something was wrong. On the last ring, someone spoke into the phone, the voice scratchy and hoarse through the quality of the phone.

"Haru is in the hospital, please stop calling. He won't be out for months and he's never coming back to that satanic fight club!" A woman's voice screeched through the phone. I held it away from my ear to not go deaf. Gunther looked over from the door at the yelling from the phone, a chuckle clearly building in his features. I shot daggers at him with a glare and he grinned before turning back to the door. Slamming the phone back down I realized I needed a partner, and before the fights started.

"Kid, get lost. This place isn't for you. If you're lookin for the shop, it's a few streets west of here."
Gunther's voice drifted over from the door, where he was attempting to shoo off another kid who thought he could fight. A voice, much more soothing and honeyed than I had expected, drifted back from outside and Gunther shook his head, and to my dismay, unlicked the door. The kid barely looked like one, with toned muscles and a shadowed face. A dark coat was draped over his shoulders, and he wasn't even attempting to hide his face. He looked over at me, his ice blue eyes making me shiver. That's when it hit me. Mesmer. This kid was an elf, and had mesmered Gunther into letting him in. I'll die if he finds out I know. My thoughts raced, my hood and mask still thankfully in place over my face and hair, making me look like a human with a taste for flair. He smiled, more of a smirk than a smile that set my nerves on edge. I turned and swept through the bar, out into the stairwell that led to the underground arena. The kid followed me, his steps nearly silent on the concrete steps as he followed me down, my cloak furrowing out and blocking any above light from reaching me.

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