The Crusade Knows no Bounds

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3 Years in the Future

I tugged at the dark hood covering my eyes, hoping it covered their lifelessness. The wind clawed through my cloak, slashing my skin with whips of frozen rain. Rain pelted down, making most jobs impossible. I was suddenly glad for the automatic camouflage mask melded to my face. Picking my way down the ridge, I pressed myself to the wall of the base, flicking my communications on.

"Mirage Leader, ready," I said, waiting for the crackly response of my teammates. The radio buzzed as everyone else checked in.

"Mirage 2, report in. I repeat, Mirage 2 report in." A voice cut through the radio chatter, it belonged to the only woman in the squad, which I personally thought didn't belong. We were a mirage squad, designed specifically to help the Project Mirage blend in for missions. The identical masks, hooded cloaks, and voice altering devices made it easier for her to blend in, but her personality and normal voice set my skin crawling. I shook it off, clipping the radio back to my belt and waiting for the flash signal.

A bright blue flare went up on the ridge, flashing through the sheets of rain. I pulled the radio from my belt again, yelling through the wind into it.

"Mirage Leader, going in," I yelled, tugging my hood up against the rain again as it fell in dark splatters around my feet.

"Mirage 3, going in," She replied, followed by the confirmations of the 3 other members, not including Mirage 2, who seemed to not be responding to his calls. Odd. He was usually the first one to respond to calls and the most dependent member of the squad.

I drew a sharp breath as I fell to the ground, landing heavily on my feet. A few more black shapes descended from the ridge and roof, the rest of my team. Shutting off my radio, I dragged myself through a thin window above my head with more effort than was necessary. With a grunt, I landed on the cold floor of the base.

Neverseen members patrolled the halls, I knew this of course, but their idle chatter still made me jump. Two people in the black cloaks with the sickly white eye burned onto its shoulder passed me, and I pressed myself into the shadows, knowing my mask wouldn't adapt in time. The grunts looked over, watching, in what I took to be fear, as my mask slowly blended with the shadowy tiles behind me. Scrambling to fish some sort of weapon out of their cloaks, one of the grunts slammed her fist against what she thought to be an alarm.

"Too late," I hummed, trapping the two of them in an endless replica of the hallway. A scream ripped out of one of the grunts' throat as she pounded against the walls created by her own mind, and solidified by mine. Her screams faded slowly as I made my way down the hall and further into the base.

Footsteps rushed down the hall, at least 5 sets so far as I could hear. Probably more. My mind hummed as Mirage 2, our secondary telepath, sent a message to the team. 'Get to Mirage Leader. 10 opposing units.' They transmitted, and I slowed to a stop, prepared to transmit my own message if the need arose. A wave of cold flowed over me, Mirage 3. She was the only one who had answered the call, and, as much as I disliked her, I was lucky. She was powerful, a Charger and Froster.

"Mirage 5 and 7 are coming around back, we'll surround them. They'll come in at our signal," She explained quickly and rather angrily. It appeared she had been occupied with something else at the moment of the transmission. I nodded, a worried look forming under my mask. I wasn't worried about Mirage 3, rather I was worried about the hell my team was about to go through. For one data crystal. Whatever the hell was on that thing, it had better be worth getting my team landed in the hospital wing for weeks.

The footsteps coming towards us sped up as we turned the corner. Mirage 3 sent tendrils of ice to wrap up the Neverseen members' legs. As soon as she sent a blast of electricity through the ice, I broadcasted a piecing screech into their minds, most of them convulsing in pain, a few collapsing, knocked out. 3 down, 7 to go. One, however, didn't seem to be affected by the charges and was now standing in front of me.

"Take care of the rest of them!" I yelled, focusing on the member in front of me. Mirage 3 joined up with the rest of our team, following the Neverseen members down the halls as they retreated. The one standing in front of me didn't look like such a hard opponent, with their slight and lanky build, but I knew better. I had a similar power disguise, small, thin, and as un-threatening as one could possibly look.

In a swift movement, the Neverseen member kicked me into the wall, their knee digging into my stomach. "I'd recommend staying out of this kid," They hissed in my ear, an eerily familiar voice. With a huffed breath, I pulled my legs behind me, pushing off the wall and slamming an onslaught of punches onto the Neverseen member's face and neck. Spitting, they turned back to me with a cold grin shining through the darkness of their hood.

Ice laced up my legs, freezing me in place as the Neverseen pushed themselves off the floor. My mask showed no amount of the panic seeping into my veins as they moved closer. "I said," They muttered in a raspy, frozen voice, "stay out of this." The sound hit me before the pain, the punch to my jaw stinging as the ice released my legs and sent me crashing to the floor. My mask made an odd, sparking noise.

A kick to my stomach sent me sprawling and coughing on the cold ground. Stumbling back onto my feet, I raised a hand, snapping my fingers. For the Neverseen, the lights went out, their nightmares circling just out of their range of vision. As I watched, their body went rigid as waves of cold flowed over them. This was my tactic. Shatter anyone who comes close. This is what I was made for. With a single kick to the stomach, the Neverseen went down, gasping. Their voice, their scream, tore through the hallway as they hit the ground.

My name. My name. My name. They were screaming my name as they clawed at the ground. I stood in shock, frozen, as they sobbed, eyes bleeding tears onto the ground. A cracking whisper of distraught apology reached my ears as the Neverseen begged forgiveness from me, begging whatever nightmare they were watching to spare my life.

Slipping through their already frail mental barriers, I watched through their eyes as I raised a knife to my neck, slicing it open as they screamed. Blood rushed in torrents from my neck, and my body fell, hitting the nightmarish ground with a thump.

I stumbled backwards, out of their mind, balancing myself with the wall. The Neverseen raised their head, eyes bloodshot and sunken.

They climbed to their feet like a mountaineer reaching the summit of an un-climbable mountain, wavering momentarily. I wasn't ready for the lightning-fast punch at my jaw, and as I stumbled back, I felt my mask slip off my face, clattering to the ground in a cloud of sparks. Licking the back of my teeth, I spat a disgusting mix of blood and spit onto the ground, and with sickening realization, I saw it was spinning below me. "Pick a god... and pray, swan," They hissed, malice and tears dripping from their voice.

As I kneeled, trying to stop my dizziness, the Neverseen kicked my stomach, sending me in the air and eventually sprawling belly-up on the ground. Like a fish about to be gutted. Crippling pain in my ribs exploded as they slammed a cold boot into my side over and over, until I couldn't bear it. Suddenly the onslaught of boots against my skin faltered, the Neverseen taking a shaking step backwards. Using the opportunity to recover, I leapt to my feet, holding a hand to my eye in an attempt to calm the dizziness from the punches.

The Neverseen flicked their, or rather his, hood back, revealing the shocked, sunken-eyed, and silver-haired face of Rey.

To Be Continued

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