We're Calling About Your Car's Extended Warranty

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3 Years Ago (Year 4) (She met Cyrus about a month or two before and hasn't seen him since they met)

Yawning, I stretched my arms above my head in a tense arc. Sounds of movement echoed distantly in the emerald halls as classes slowly ended and prodigies filtered out of the school. Wonder if anyone here's been to the Forbidden Cities. Dumb question, of course they haven't.  My thoughts betrayed my bored demeanor as they started to wander to the possible wonders of the Forbidden Cities. A slap on the back jolted me from my thoughts as Haru bolted around the corner.

"Haru! What the hell was that for?" I rolled my shoulders, annoyed but grinning. Haru, my best friend, just laughed, ruffling his insanely messy hair.

"Oh y'know, just a greeting for my good old friend," He stuck out his tongue, mischief in his eyes.

"What happened," I pressed, knowing something was up. Haru was never this enthusiastic after school, something had happened to make him this happy.

"Nothing! What makes you think that Reni?" His grin spread until it looked like it hurt his face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe your sudden change in attitude? Wait. Did you manifest?" The thought clicked into place and my face lit up, waiting eagerly for an answer. All Haru could do was nod, clearly too exited for words.

"Lucky bastard. What'd you get?" I grinned, doing my best to share his excitement. Now that Haru had manifested, I was the last one in our class, and I didn't have much time before it wouldn't matter if I manifested or not. That singular thought had been weighing me down for months, maybe it had been ever since the first manifestation in our class.

"Conjurer!" He spun around before snapping, a tiny flower popping into his hand. Kneeling down, he made a show of it, offering the flower with a horribly hidden shit-eating grin on his face.

"Reni, will you do me the honors of being... the last one to manifest?" His face scrunched into what he must have thought looked like genuine sadness before I punched him in the gut. He coughed for a few seconds, bending over on himself.

"Shut up Haru, or I'll manifest as a froster and freeze your mouth shut for once." I frowned, Haru recovering and now howling with laughter at his prank. "And how long have you been practicing that for?" My question came from the fact that Haru's spin was so perfectly timed. He had to have been practicing for days, and he'd only just learned that he was a Conjurer.

"Ha, since this morning, when I manifested. I got the flower from the gardens earlier," His grin seemed brighter than the sun, and I realized it made me sad, knowing how much his ability meant to him. He fit in with his family, the Winters' were a family of Conjurers, as mine was a family of Telepaths. I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that kept pressing against my walls of conscious thought, one that kept repeating that I would never manifest, that I would always be the odd one out. A tiny part of me lit up in anger, like a fire sparking in my mind at the thought of being talentless. "I bet you'll manifest soon, within a week. You'll probably be a telepath 'cus of your family history, right?" Haru's gentle voice dumped a cold bucket of water over the fire in my mind, but it brought me back to the present.

I snorted, with the sudden doubt plaguing my mind, I didn't truly believe I'd ever manifest. "Most likely, if I even do manifest that is." My voice was laced with a heavy, dark, doubt that made Haru glance over at me, a quizzical look spreading over his face.

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