Marvel Oneshot

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***I own nothing except the plot and Ellie

Let me know if the video works

"Hey Ellie, can you go see your sister? She's fussing." My mom Pepper asked me. It's been about 4 months since my dad, Tony Stark, died saving the world. It hit us hard, but out of all of us, it hit mom the hardest.

"Yeah, of course. I'll go check on her." I said. I walked into Morgan's room and walked over to her bed.

"What's wrong peanut?" I asked softly as I sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Ellie, when's daddy coming back? I miss him." She asks me innocently.

"Oh Morgan, I'm sorry but daddy's not coming back. He's not here with us anymore. He loved you very much and will always love you. He may not be with us now, but he will be forever with us in our hearts ok hun?" I asked, trying to hold back my tears.

"Oh. Ok. We'll see him one day though right?" She asks.

"Yes. Hopefully not for a long time though." I say with a sad smile on my face.

I stand up and start to walk out the door when Morgan calls me back in.

"Sissy, will you sleep with me tonight?" She asks.

"Of course. Let me go tell mom and get my pajamas on ok?" I say with a small smile.

I walk out the door and go back into the living room where Pepper was on her phone.

"Hey mom, Morgan wants me to sleep with her tonight. I'm going to get changed and go lay with her." I said.

"Ok El." She says with a smile. As I'm walking down the hallway to my room she says, "She's lucky to have you Ellie. Things are going to be very tough for her and I'm glad she has such a good sister to help her through it."

"Thanks mom." I say with a smile.

I walk into my room and change into my fuzzy blue black and purple plaid pajama pants with a white tank top and walk back into Morgan's room. I sat down on her bed and lifted the covers and laid down beside her.

"Ellie? Can you sing me a song?" She asks me tiredly.

"Of course I can Ellie." I then start to sing Lullaby bye Billy Joel. (Play the video now if you want to)

Goodnight, my angel
Time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go
No matter where you are
I never will be far away

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark
And deep inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullabye
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabyes go on and on...
They never die
That's how you
And I
Will be

Once I finished singing, I looked over and saw that Morgan was asleep. I smiled softly and lightly kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Morgan. Sweet dreams." I whispered. I walked back to the living room to see if mom was still awake. She wasn't. She must have passed out on the couch. I grabbed a warm blanket and laid it on top of her. I turned off the lamp beside her and walked back to my room with the flashlight on my phone.

When I got to my room, I gently shut my door before I started crying my eyes out and sobbing. I slid down my door my head in my hands as I sobbed over the loss of my dad.

I had to make it seem like I was ok, when in reality, I wasn't. I had to be strong for Pepper and for Morgan. I couldn't let them see me cry. I had to be strong. Just like I promised.

After about an hour, I walked over to my bed and hit play on my CD player as I laid down and closed my eyes, thinking of my dad.

My dad had just snapped his fingers and the white light happened. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw Thanos slowly turning into dust like the rest of his army.

I felt tears running down my face in joy. We had won the war. I ran around looking for my dad. When I found him, my tears quickly turned into ones of pain, hurt, misery, and sadness.

There sat my dad, slowly dying from the sheer power of the stones. I walked over to him and hugged him while I was sobbing.

"I love you dad. Please, don't leave me." I had sobbed.

"I love you too my angel. Look after Pepper and Morgan for me." He said weekly.

"I will dad. I promise. I love you infinity." I said, still crying.

"And I love you more." He said. Those were the last words he said before his eyes closed for the last time.

I felt tears start to run down my face again while my CD player played the last thing my dad left me. A CD of him singing the very song I just sang to my sister. But him singing it to me.

"I love you infinity" I said. I then drifted off to sleep.


What's up y'all? What do you think? Please don't kill me for this one. I promise most of the oneshots to come are happy and not sad like this one.

Also, I'm typing on my phone right now and my wattpad is glitching so I can't had my lettering normal. So just ignore the underline.


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