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The Northern Savages, aka Wolves

Ivan- Male, a huge beige wolf with deep blue almost violet eyes. Leader

Elvira- Female, Ivan's deceased mate. Silver, grey and black fur and blue eyes. Leader's Queen

Finn- Male, deep gray fur and green eyes. Lead Spy

Violet- Female, black fur and amber eyes. Secondary Spy

London- Female, brown fur and green eyes. Rookie Spy

Thundere- Male, black fur with gold eyes and a white muzzle. Lead Warrior

Storm- Female, sister to Thundere, white fur with black slotches and blue eyes. Secondary Warrior

Scar- Male, old ginger wolf with faded green eyes and a long scar going down his flank. Elder Warrior

Alexandria- Female, pregnant with Thundere's pups. Brunette fur and green eyes. Third Warrior/Mothering

The Southern Savages, aka Foxes

Rose- Female, cherry colored fox with white markings. Leader

Dusk- Male, dark grey, black and white fur. Lead Spy

Blue- Male, blue-silver fur with white markings. Secondary Spy

Red- Female, Blue's sister, red fur with black markings. Rookie Spy

Sabre- Male, white fur with black markings. Lead Warrior

Apple- Female, normal fox coloring. Secondary Warrior

Venom- Male, brown and white markings. Elder Warrior

Silver- Female, pregnant with Sabre's pups. Silver fur with black and white markings. Third Warrior/Mothering


Southern Savages- Allied to the Western Talons, aka Hawks. Lead by Skyy 

Northern Savages- Allied to the Eastern Talons, aka Owls. Lead by Night

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